Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Analysis Of The Movie The Breakfast Club Essay
The iconic coming-of-age movie The Breakfast Club, focuses on the development of five, seemingly very different high school students. In the movie we are presented with the five main characters all with stereotypes that they identify with. Claire is the princess or the beauty queen, John, often referred to by his last name â€Å"Bender,†is the criminal, Brian is the brain or the nerd, Andrew, is the athlete, a wrestler , and finally Allison is the basket case or the weirdo. The story is set in saturday detention where they are forced to spend eight hours with people from other cliques that they would normally never interact with. The day progresses and the characters interact with one another, smoke, dance, break rules, and reveal very personal parts of themselves with the others. The story ends with some of the characters making an attempt to change their identity with the realization that even with the boxes they have been put into they are not that different from one anot her. Identity plays a key role in the interaction between all the characters. Erikson’s stage for adolescents is Identity versus Role Confusion, which is represented with each and every single one of the characters. The teens want to figure out who they are, and what they want to be in life. Therefore they take on certain roles and experiment to see what form fits best to their personality. Take Brian, the brain, for example, he has established his identity as the nerd. Therefore it dictates the clubs he isShow MoreRelatedThe Breakfast Club Movie Analysis1668 Words  | 7 PagesThe Breakfast Club, produced in 1985, is a famous film about five strangers who at first glance, seem to all be extremely different. Commonly referred to as â€Å"the criminal, the princess, the brain, the athlete, and the basketcase,†the students all have distinct personas. However, as the movie progresses, they discover they all have much more in common than they had previously thought. As a for mer high school student, the concept of the movie is relatively familiar to me. Communicating between strangersRead MoreThe Breakfast Club : Movie Analysis889 Words  | 4 Pagesdifferent people and â€Å"classify†them into a family. An example that I will be referring to is the movie, â€Å"The Breakfast Club†. A brief summary of this movie would be a group of kids who could not be any different are sharing a detention sentence together with a principle watching over them that they equally dislike. How I am going to correlate this with my family is to compare them with characters from the movie. First off I am going to start with my sister Kayla also known as the brain. In my eyes, theRead MoreThe Princess By Claire Standish1455 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Claire Standish or â€Å"the princess†portrays the stereotypical popular teenage girl in The Breakfast Club. 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