Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Persuasive Speech The Electoral College - 1202 Words
Persuasive Speech Outline General Purpose: The general Purpose of my speech is to persuade Specific Purpose: The specific purpose of my speech is to persuade the audience to agree that the Electoral College should be abolished. Thesis: The Electoral College is unfair and should be abolished because of the â€Å"winner takes all rule,†the chance that a president cannot have the support of the majority of the voters, and candidates would campaign equally in every state. I. Introduction a. Hello everybody, today I am going to talk about a topic that could change the course of American History forever. b. The Electoral College is the process in which electors vote for the president of the United States. i. There are 538 electors between all 50†¦show more content†¦This will ultimately lead to a larger voter turnout across the nation, specifically in traditionally conservative or liberal states. III. Body Paragraph 2 a. Along with the â€Å"winner takes all†rule, the electoral should be abolished when deciding the president of the United States because of the chance that the president can win the election without the support of the majority of voters. b. Although this is rare, it has happened. In the year 2000, republican George W. Bush beat his democratic opponent Al Gore in the Electoral College with 271 electoral votes to Gore’s 266 votes. i. However Al gore beat Bush in the popular vote by receiving almost 700,000 more votes. 1. I got this information off of Dave Leip s Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections on USelectionatlas.com ii. This phenomenon also occurred in the most recent 2016 election between the republican’s Donald Trump and the democrat’s Hillary Clinton. 1. This election however wasn’t as close as the 2000 election. Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton by a drastic margin in the Electoral College with 306 votes to Hillary’s 232. 2. Even though Donald Trump had almost 15 percent more electors than her, Clinton beat Trump in the popular vote by around 2.5 million voters. a. This information was also found on USelectionatlas.com 3. This means that over half of the nation isShow MoreRelatedElectoral College Essay909 Words  | 4 PagesAsia Ray POS-301 May,6,2016 Instructor: Kathleen Sedille The structure and function of the electoral college consist of a process that was establish in the U.S Constitution by congress and electors, in which they the people would decide on voting for the President and Vice president of the United States of America. Within the qualification of voting, each presidential candidate running to become the next president of the United States of America, must have their very own electors ofRead MoreSpeech : Why You Should Be Politically Aware1304 Words  | 6 PagesSophie Pappas Speech 1 - 12:30 Ward Topic: Why you should be politically aware. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Succubus Heat CHAPTER 20 Free Essays
string(23) " only told my friends\." Dante was waiting for me when I got home. I normally liked having the company, but after being with Seth, Dante’s presence now made me feel uncomfortable and confused. He didn’t seem to notice right away, though, and instead was immediately caught up by Maddie’s condo packet. We will write a custom essay sample on Succubus Heat CHAPTER 20 or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"What’s this?†he asked, leafing through some pages. â€Å"Maddie’s been playing real estate agent for me.†â€Å"Wow. I didn’t think you were serious about that.†I leaned back on the couch, weary from dancing, sex, and the emotional miasma I seemed to be swimming through lately. Bringing up Maddie didn’t make me feel so great. â€Å"I didn’t think I was either. I mentioned it offhand, and she kind of went crazy.†â€Å"Alki Beach, huh? Some of these are pretty nice.†He held up one print-out. â€Å"Brand-new condo, still being built. You can weigh in on the colors and trim.†I shrugged. â€Å"I don’t know. I don’t have time to go shopping right now.†â€Å"One of the power spots on your list is near Alki. You could swing by.†I gave him a puzzled look. â€Å"Since when are you interested in me moving?†He sat down opposite me, still looking through the listings. â€Å"Well, if you buy locally, I can rest easy that you’re sticking around. Besides, get a bigger place, and we could try some cohabitation.†That caught me off-guard. â€Å"Oh?†â€Å"You gave me a key. I might as well live here anyway.†â€Å"You’re going to freeload off me for some more space, huh?†I teased. He sighed, looking pained. â€Å"Man, you really do think the worst. I’d pay you rent.†â€Å"With what?†I asked incredulously. â€Å"Business has been good. I think things are on the upswing.†â€Å"No offense, baby, but your business doesn’t seem like the type that can maintain that kind of momentum. I think this has been a fluke.†I spoke too soon and felt bad when I realized I’d hurt him. â€Å"But we can play it by ear if you want to move in. Maybe your reputation’s spreading, and business will keep booming.†He seemed a little mollified after that, yet as I spoke the words, I found I wasn’t overly thrilled at the prospect of us living together. I still had Seth on the brain. Obsessing on him was foolish, I knew. This fling of ours could only last a few more days at most. I shouldn’t be mooning over him when I’d just be going back to Dante anyway. Dante wanted to know how my beach investigation had gone, and I welcomed the change in subject. I gave him a brief rundown of my non-progress. â€Å"You want me to look with you?†he asked. â€Å"I’ve finally got some time tomorrow.†I hesitated. The truth was, just before we’d parted, Seth had said he’d look with me and that he’d bring Kayla. The afterglow could be very persuasive. Still, I’d had to do a lot of convincing that she’d be safe, and honestly, I hoped I was right. â€Å"I roped some other people into it,†I said. â€Å"We should be fine.†I feared he’d question me further, particularly about whether I had a psychic to go with me or not. Mercifully, he let it go. I honestly didn’t think he wanted to wander beaches and was grateful for the reprieve. When we went to bed later, there was no way I could put his arduous advances off any longer, not without raising suspicion. I’d made a good recovery and no longer had my back excuse. Yet†¦something was nagging at me. Dante himself had been the one to first joke about whether I could get pregnant in my pseudo-human state. I still didn’t know if that was possible, and even if it was, would it matter if I returned to my immortal state in a few days? I had no clue how any of this would work, but Seth and I hadn’t used protection. And suddenly, I realized that if there were any chance in the world that I could get pregnant-if Nyx’s vision might really come true-I didn’t want to chance a paternity dispute. So, I turned on the charm for Dante and went down on him again, something he didn’t really seem to mind. He tried to get me off in return, but it was to no avail. After being with Seth, I had zero desire of my own and found I couldn’t come. And so, for the first time with Dante, I faked it. I was a pretty good faker. He never suspected. He slept late the next morning, so I slipped out early without waking him. Seth and I were meeting over at a restaurant in Bellevue, hopefully far enough away from anyone we knew to see us. While walking to my car, I felt someone fall into step beside me. â€Å"So, I hear you’re spreading stories about me,†Cedric said amiably. Startled, I glanced over at him, unease spreading through me. Cedric was my suspect du jour, and I’d already seen one demon’s reaction to my theories. Of course, he didn’t look particularly destructive at the moment, and there was also the fact that I had yet to tell anyone my latest theories about him implicating Nanette. â€Å"What do you mean?†I asked. â€Å"Kristin said you said that I told Nanette how you thought she might have summoned Jerome.†He paused as though trying to make sense of that. â€Å"For the record, I didn’t.†I nearly stopped walking. â€Å"Then who did?†â€Å"Hell if I know. Just figured you should know I wasn’t responsible for what happened to you.†He offered no more, no condolences or queries to my health. I honestly couldn’t expect that from a demon. The fact that he’d bothered to come talk to me was a rarity enough-and naturally, he could be lying. â€Å"Well, I don’t know who else could have told her, then. Or why. I only told a handful of people.†The more I thought about it, the more I realized he had to be lying. I’d only told my friends. You read "Succubus Heat CHAPTER 20" in category "Essay examples" He maintained his perfectly bland face. â€Å"Like I said, I don’t know.†We reached my car, and I paused, leaning against it. â€Å"You came all the way here to tell me this?†Not that it would have been an arduous journey for him. â€Å"Don’t flatter yourself,†he said with a smile. â€Å"I’m here to chat with your demonesses. Hell’s pretty much ruled out Jerome coming back. There’ll be someone official here in days to settle the matter.†I tried to ignore the chill that sent down my spine and parse the rest of his words. Cedric was cozying up to Grace and Mei. Not a surprise. Whoever came here to assign a new archdemon would question those two the most. â€Å"Well, thank you,†I said. I didn’t really know what else to say in that matter, so I switched to something else that had been on my mind. â€Å"Hey, I haven’t heard much about your cult lately.†â€Å"Yeah, they’ve been pretty quiet. Maybe you helped after all.†â€Å"Well, I don’t think I did much.†I was also starting to suspect the cult had nothing left to do. Now that their â€Å"Angel†had used them as an effective distraction during Jerome’s summoning, they were no longer needed. I clicked my door open, and another curious thought struck me. â€Å"How’s it going with Tawny?†Cedric grimaced. â€Å"Well†¦we went out a couple of times.†â€Å"And?†â€Å"My private life is no concern of yours.†â€Å"Fair enough.†I started to get in. â€Å"But if you must know†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I paused and arched an eyebrow. â€Å"Yes?†â€Å"Her conversation is†¦lacking a little,†he admitted. I couldn’t help it. I laughed. â€Å"Are you seriously surprised by that?†â€Å"Beauty’s skin deep, I know†¦I guess I’d just hoped for a little more depth.†I chose not to comment on what he considered beautiful. â€Å"Don’t take this the wrong way, but I figured you wouldn’t really want more than cheap sex.†He cut me a look. â€Å"Because I’m a demon?†â€Å"Don’t look at me like that. Being romantic isn’t really in your job description.†â€Å"True, true. But at the very least, I’d like to have a little understanding with my cheap sex. Someone who had some vague inkling of what I endure on a daily basis.†He was still being gruff and demonlike, but there was a faint whisper of something surprisingly human under there. I started to tell him that I didn’t think that was very likely. Then, I thought of Kristin, Kristin who watched him with doe eyes and fretted over his well-being. â€Å"Someone who sort of gets your job and has an appreciation for its absurdity? Someone who’s interested in helping you when you’re stressed, in connecting with you and understanding things to an extent where you don’t even have to say them anymore? Is that what you’re looking for?†He snorted. â€Å"Yeah, like that’ll happen.†â€Å"I don’t know. Maybe there’s someone out there like that.†â€Å"You may not have been human for a long time, but you still cling to their delusions. That’s fairy-tale stuff. You can’t have that. I can’t have that. See you later.†He vanished, uncaring of any mortals who might see him. I stared vacantly at where he’d been, wondering if what he said was true. Was he missing a good match right in front of him? Or was Kristin deluding herself with her crush on him? And was I deluding myself with my feelings for Seth? Was I really feeling connected to him or was it all just lust? There was no use fretting about any of it now. Cedric didn’t seem to want to kill me at the moment, so that was the best I could get. I drove over to Bellevue, just in time for the morning commute out of the city to be winding down. Bellevue was a suburb, a city in its own right, and the restaurant we’d chosen was in Bellevue’s old downtown, one that had eventually been supplanted when a mall rearranged the city’s trendy areas. The place was a quiet little bistro, tucked between a jewelry store and a bakery. Seth and Kayla were already there. She sat in a booster seat beside him, examining a stuffed unicorn while he leafed through a menu. Seeing both of them sent ripples of warmth and happiness through me. â€Å"Hey guys,†I said, sliding in across from them. Kayla gave me a shy smile, and Seth positively lit up. His hair was as messy as usual, and his T-shirt today advertised Trix, a cereal I’d forgotten even existed. â€Å"Thanks for doing this,†I said. â€Å"I really appreciate it.†Seth’s smile grew, though I saw the tiniest bit of apprehension in his eyes. â€Å"Just so long as you’re sure it’s†¦you know†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He glanced over at Kayla, who was groping for her glass. Seth hastily intervened to help her before she could knock it over. â€Å"It’ll be easy,†I said. â€Å"Maybe even boring. We’ll just walk around and look for something resembling white stone or rock.†â€Å"And Kayla can help?†I turned toward the little girl. She glanced between both of us, her blue eyes wide and eerily knowing. â€Å"I think so. Again, at this point, she just senses stuff without really understanding why. If we get anywhere near Jerome, I think she’ll show some sort of reaction, even if she doesn’t know what it is.†At least I hoped so. After that, we didn’t mention our mission for the rest of the meal. We made small talk instead and fawned over Kayla, but it was almost something we did on autopilot, something we weren’t even paying attention to. Really, Seth and I were consumed by each other. It was more than just lust too, though I certainly hoped he’d noticed my low-cut top today. I found myself just aglow from his presence. I loved being close to him, feeling the joy that spread within me. It was like falling in love again. It was that connection and understanding that Cedric had said was a fairy tale. And even when we finished up and went and scoped out our first beach, that electricity and warmth continued flowing between us. Kayla walked between us for a while, with each of us holding one of her hands. She struggled a little with the sand but seemed infinitely fascinated by the sights around her: the waves, the seagulls, other children. The rain had faded away today, and we had sunshine taunting us with the hope that spring had truly arrived. We found no white rocks, however, and Kayla had no out-of-the-ordinary reactions like she’d had with me in the past, or even with Dante. When we got to our second beach, she began slowing down, and I realized this wasn’t going to be the aggressive day of hunting I’d hoped for. After a while, Seth picked her up and carried her. She managed to stay awake until we finished our search but promptly fell asleep in the car. I knew we’d have to call it a day, but we stopped off at a little caf? ¦ on the way home that served great desserts. We settled into a corner booth, Seth and me sitting side by side while I held Kayla on my lap. We decided to simply split a piece of cheesecake, and naturally, I required coffee. Kayla still leaned drowsily against me, but she’d valiantly woken up as though sensing the approach of sugar. I brushed her hair back from her face. â€Å"Hey,†I said gently. â€Å"Did you see anything magic today?†That was how she’d referred to me in the past. She shook her head and reached up to touch my cheek in a mirror of my own gesture. â€Å"When will you be magic again?†she asked. â€Å"I don’t know,†I told her. â€Å"Soon.†Seth’s leg against mine was starting to stir up some illicit feelings, something I felt a little ashamed of with Kayla there. I was further startled when I glanced up at him and saw not lust in his eyes, but rather, something soft and tender. â€Å"What?†I asked. â€Å"Why are you looking at me like that?†â€Å"Because of you,†he said. â€Å"Just the way you interact with her†¦it’s remarkable.†â€Å"Because I can get her to talk?†He shook his head. â€Å"Nah. More than that. I’ve seen it with the other girls. You have a knack with kids. You’d make a great mother.†Maddie had made the same offhand comment. I don’t think Seth had ever really and truly grasped how much I’d pined for children. His words filled me with both elation and sorrow. For an instant, I considered telling him about Nyx’s dream and the bizarre pregnancy theory. Those things were too fragile and too precious to me, however, and the cheesecake’s serendipitous arrival saved me from further deliberation. The cheesecake was lemon raspberry, a bit adventurous for Kayla, perhaps, but she ate it without hesitation. Seth gave up on his share before us, and she and I finished it down to the last bite. â€Å"Perfect,†he mused. â€Å"I’ll return her to Terry and Andrea, just in time for her the sugar rush to kick in. They’ll never let her go out again.†He frowned. â€Å"Will you need her again? I think she has some kind of play-date thing tomorrow.†I sighed, and reality dimmed my golden moment. â€Å"I don’t know. I’m running out of close places. I’ll have to head up north next, up around Edmonds, though Dante pointed out that Jerome could be farther out-out on the Olympic Peninsula or something. The summoners would want to keep him close, but ‘close’ could mean ten miles or a hundred.†â€Å"You’re not going to be able to go out to the coast in an easy day trip,†observed Seth. Under the table, his hand rested on mine out of sympathy. â€Å"I’m sorry.†I squeezed his hand in return. â€Å"It’ll be as it’ll be, I guess.†â€Å"I still want to help if I can.†I offered him a rueful smile. â€Å"You want to help me get back to being a succubus?†His return smile was equally bittersweet. â€Å"There’s no way any of this can end well, Georgina. Sometimes†¦sometimes we have to choose the lesser of evils and simply enjoy our sweet moments while we can.†Like this one. And through some shared instinct, we both fell silent, savoring this brief interlude, this dream we’d gotten ourselves ensnared in. For now, it was enough to just sit together like this. His hand moved idly on my leg, offering comfort and love†¦at least for a little while. Before long, the sweet affection turned into something with a bit more desire. I met his eyes, and while it wasn’t the same animal intensity that had thrown me against the wall last night, there was still a longing in his eyes that told me how much he wanted me, to be closer to me. My body responded to it, and then we both glanced over at Kayla, who had fallen asleep again. We laughed, realizing the absurdity of our current situation. â€Å"I should get her back,†said Seth. â€Å"Yeah,†I said, sad at the thought of parting but certainly not aroused enough to make out while his niece was around. He drove me back to my car in Bellevue. Our parting kiss was gentle and light, almost hesitant. It seemed typical of this entire affair, like it was hardly real and would blow away at any moment. â€Å"Anything you need, Thetis,†he breathed into my ear. â€Å"Anything you need, I’ll do it. You know I will.†A flower of agony and euphoria burst open in my chest. He hadn’t called me Thetis, his old pet name for me, since the day we broke up. â€Å"I know,†I murmured into his shirt. â€Å"I know.†I returned to Queen Anne not long after that, getting a nice spot right in front of my building. My head was swimming with Seth and Kayla and Jerome and a hundred other things. I was so distracted that when I stepped into my apartment, I nearly walked right past Grace sitting on my couch. Of course, considering she was the first demon all week who hadn’t attacked me the instant I cleared the door, my reaction to her subtlety was understandable. â€Å"Grace?†I asked curiously, as though maybe it wasn’t her. She was leafing through a copy of Seattle Metropolitan magazine, their issue on Seattle’s best brunches. When she glanced up at me, there was a tiredness in her eyes that even demonic perfection couldn’t hide. Seeing her alone was almost as strange as her being here at all. I’d grown so used to her and Mei being a unit that their forced separation lately seemed almost as tragic as Jerome’s summoning. â€Å"There you are,†she said. â€Å"I almost left.†â€Å"Sorry,†I said. I meant it. I seemed to be on her and Mei’s good side lately and wanted to keep it that way. Demons didn’t like waiting, and without that innate connection of an archdemon, she couldn’t instantly find me across time and space. Grace gave a half-hearted shrug. â€Å"I don’t mind. It’s rather pleasant having a few moments’ respite from all the politics and bickering.†â€Å"I can imagine.†I frowned. â€Å"No, wait. I don’t think I can.†I swear, I thought for a second she might laugh, but she kept that same stone face she excelled at. â€Å"It’ll all be over soon, which is why I came to see you. Mei and I have been talking to all of the other lesser immortals today. The day after tomorrow, a corporate demon named Ephraim will be making his final decision on who will replace Jerome.†A cold lump settled into my stomach. â€Å"So soon?†â€Å"Hell doesn’t like to waste time and resources.†â€Å"I guess not.†â€Å"Ephraim’s already in the area and may come speak to you as he attempts to assess the situation. He’ll want to know about your job, how things ran under Jerome, etc.†With each word, my spirits sank further and further. My window to find Jerome was shriveling up. We were going to get a new archdemon anytime now. â€Å"Don’t be afraid to speak the truth,†she advised. â€Å"I know that’s often a concern among lesser immortals, for fear of causing offense.†â€Å"Something like that,†I muttered, thinking of Nanette. â€Å"Clearly, you don’t want to actively anger Ephraim, but he has no affiliations with anyone currently involved in the dispute here. He won’t punish you for stating your opinion.†â€Å"I’m guessing he might not listen to it either.†There it was. A tiny quirky of her lips, gone so quickly that I wasn’t even sure I saw it. She rose from the sofa and absentmindedly tugged on her blazer. It was deep, deep red, paired with sleek black trousers and patent leather heels. Underneath the collar of her coat, I caught a glimpse of that same chunky necklace she’d worn at the meeting. I recalled Mei’s sleeker one and couldn’t resist my next words. â€Å"This may sound weird†¦but I can’t help but notice you and Mei are dressing differently lately.†As soon as I said that, I hoped she wouldn’t get mad at me essentially calling her and Mei copycats. Fortunately, she remained as blas? ¦ as usual. â€Å"In these times, it’s wise to distinguish yourself. None of our jobs are secure right now.†I did a double-take. In all of this madness, it had never occurred to me that Grace and Mei might have something to fear. But of course they did. When Hell did re-orgs, they tended to tweak the larger structure. They could very well decide to transfer Grace and Mei and institute a whole new set of demonic leaders here. I didn’t like that idea any better than losing Jerome. I wanted things to stay the same. And studying that fatigue I’d seen on Grace’s face, I realized I wasn’t the only one with a lot to worry about. â€Å"Well†¦for what it’s worth, I think you’re doing a great job. You’ve had to do so much clean-up and damage control, and then with all these demons†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I shook my head. â€Å"I don’t know. They’d be stupid not to recognize that.†The strangest look came over Grace’s face. I would have almost called it surprise, but her careful, icy composure made it hard to say for sure. â€Å"Thank you, Georgina.†Her voice was stiff, like dealing with compliments made her uncomfortable. â€Å"I hope you’ll share your feelings with Ephraim, should he speak with you.†â€Å"Sure,†I said. â€Å"No problem.†After a quick glance at my kitchen clock, she turned back to me and gave a smart nod. â€Å"I have to meet with the others. I’ll speak with you again soon.†She vanished, but I could offer no farewell in return. I had just seen something. Something that changed everything. I stood frozen. This whole time, for the last week, something had been percolating in my head. I’d noted Grace and Mei’s dedication to their job, how they were always there to help when chaos broke out. I’d noted also how they’d been forced to split up a lot lately with the new workload, and as Grace had said, they would now probably be scrutinized individually. And why wouldn’t they be? If someone was going to scout for a new demon to run Seattle, why not look at the ones who were already running it? â€Å"Oh my God,†I breathed. But there was more to it than that. It wasn’t just that Grace or Mei had the perfect motive to get Jerome summoned. I had more than motive before me. I had proof. Sprinting to my bedroom, I searched frantically for the photo of Mary’s medallion, certain it would be gone. Nope. It was still there, knocked off my nightstand to the floor. I picked it up. â€Å"Oh my God .†There it was. When Grace had turned her head, I’d caught a fuller glimpse of the chunky necklace and its network of brown and black stones. The answer had been right in front of me. At the Cellar meeting, I’d noticed a piece of the necklace’s stonework shaped like a crescent moon. I hadn’t recognized it as anything more than ornamentation, but now, comparing the photo to what I’d just seen on Grace, the truth was obvious. Grace had part of the seal. It was the left side of the medallion, separated in an irregular way to give it that fanciful crescent shape. But I’d seen the fine etchings of the symbols when she tilted her head. They were the same. It was the seal. The picture fell from my hands, and I ran back to the living room, grappling for my cell phone. My hands shook, and I could barely dial. Of course, for a second, I wasn’t sure who I was dialing. Hugh, I decided. I had to tell him and the rest of my friends that- â€Å"Drop it.†A strong hand covered my mouth and jerked me backward. My back hit somebody, a tall man with a rock-solid chest. His other hand reached out and wrapped around my wrist, making the links of my watch dig in painfully. â€Å"Drop it,†he said. â€Å"I know what you saw. I saw it too. But you can’t tell anyone. Not yet.†I could barely hear through the pounding of my heart in my ears, but it didn’t matter. I knew this voice, knew it intimately. It had haunted my dreams-or rather, my nightmares-for the last six months. It was a sign of how truly out of it I’d been after Nanette attacked me that I hadn’t recognized his voice that day. I dropped the phone. He released his grip on my wrist, and a moment later, the hand on my mouth moved away as well. Miraculously, I didn’t start screaming. Slowly, slowly, I turned around, knowing exactly what I’d find. Blue-green eyes, just like the sea I’d grown up around. â€Å"Roman.†How to cite Succubus Heat CHAPTER 20, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Role of Religion Over Time
Question: 1. Give a title to the essay 2. Introduction (say what you will be covering in the essay) 3. Definition/outline of what your topic involves and why it is controversial (What is euthanasia? Why is it controversial? 4. General arguments FOR and AGAINST euthanasia. 5. Briefly outline and analyse what UTILITARIAN and DENTOLOGY ethics say about euthanasia. 6. Evaluate examples of medical issues which promote controversial debate, e.g. organ transplant, euthanasia and informed consent. 7. Conclude by giving your own opinion on the morality of euthanasia, based on the research you have done. 8. Make sure you reference in the text.? Answer: Introduction To die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly. Death freely chosen, death at the right time, brightly and cheerfully accomplished amid children and witness: then a real farewell is still possible, as the one who is taking leave is still there; also a real estimate of what one has wished, drawing the sum of ones life- all in opposition of the wretched and revolting comedy that Christianity has made of the hour of death- The above quote clearly demonstrate that Euthanasia help people to die proudly. However, still there are some controversies associated with Euthanasia as different kinds of people have different types of opinion regarding it. Euthanasia is the word came from the Greek word euthanatize which means well death. The term euthanasia means good death but now in modern world it means a death free from pain. (Young, 2007) Many debates around the world took place regarding the legalization of euthanasia. Before focusing on the other issues of euthanasia it is necessary to know more about euthanasia. Euthanasia means the cessation of a sick persons life in order to free them from illness. Sometimes the person suffering from illness himself asks for euthanasia. But in some cases person may not asks for it. The term euthanasia is a controversial term because relating to this many arguments carried out; some says its legal rest says it illegal. Relating to this topic further argument will be given. Euthanasia can be define as the act of killing a terminally ill person out of concern or to make him free from the illness which he is suffering from a very long time. (Terminally ill deserve honesty, 2013) It is also known as mercy killing (Solomita, 2009). Euthanasia is divided into two parts that is active and passive euthanasia. Active euthanasia is highly controversial it means the direct action which causes death of the person in request of the person died, it is also considered as murder. On the other side passive euthanasia means the process that is performed on terminally ill patient so that natural death occurs sooner. They focus largely on natural death. This is adopted by the medical professionals as well as by the law only under specific situations. Passive euthanasia includes giving high doses of painkiller which causes death earlier. It also includes not giving food and water to the patient so that the death occurs due to starvation. (Starvation diet, 2013) Euthanasia is a controversial issue; this is because it can make a way for the relatives of the patients to murder them intentionally so that they can take over their properties. They may also say that the patient himself expressed his desire to end his life or he can pressurize to sign the consent form expressing their views emotionally. Even though British law states all this method as illegal but it supports passive euthanasia only if a person is suffering from illness is too ill to take the decision themselves or there is no further chance of the patient to recover from the illness. This method is not classified as murder because the main priority is to give peaceful death to the patient (James and Austen, 2011). In the past few years many request and cases came in Britain to make euthanasia legal in UK, but none of them successes in legalising euthanasia in UK as the government strongly feel that if they make it legal there is high possibility that it will turn up to evade murder. (Danyli v and O'Neill, 2015) Some people feel that euthanasia should be made legal. People from terminal illness suffers a lot, they may live a very limited lives. They start assuming themselves as a burden upon the family members. If the person wants to end his live to get rid of his incurable disease then the decision should be for them, the world should not force them to live. If a mother can abort her healthy child inside then why cant the doctor or the family members of the patient who is suffering from continuous illness have the option to end the life of the patient. People those who are supporting euthanasia argued that the last few months of a patients life is expensive who is suffering from terminal diseases in terms of medical treatment because the type of treatment they are going through is an expensive process. They further debate on euthanasia that it is the way of relieving family finance from expensive medical treatment. On the other hand some people also believe that euthanasia should stay illegal. They think that making euthanasia legal will increase the risk of murder. By making euthanasia legal sick people will be discouraged to live their life properly and they wont be making any effort to find out the treatment of the disease they are suffering. People should expect the doctors to find out the measures for the treatment of the disease not to find out the methods to kill the patients. Further they continue their debate by opposing the cost factor that is people should not end their lives to save the cost of the medical treatment. There is always a solution to the problem of the cost of medical treatment like there should be proper health care service provided to elderly and disable person. There is no need of complicated operations which may not be suitable for the elderly patient in the last stage rather they can provide food and other essential items and remedies for controlling pain. (Johnson , 2012) These things does not cost high amount of money. Deontology is a Greek word which means the science of duty. It says that a set of morals is provided and everyone should act according to it. (McHugh, 2011) It is created with logics; it focuses on the means to save life not the means to end it. This approach states killing a person is immoral. (Morris, 2012) According to this approach morality means identifying ones duty and performing it. This approach does not support euthanasia rather it tries to cure the person through whatever means it can. This ethics focuses on three duties that are do not kill, do not lie and the duty to keep promises. The doctors who follow the theory of Deontology strongly perform their duties according to the oath they took when they became a doctor that they will perform their duties for the benefits of the sick and would take all the suitable steps to cure them. Theory of deontology does not support euthanasia as they go through all the measures they can to prevent the patients. From the view point of utilitarian, to justify euthanasia is allowing people to die a good death. At the time of their chose, the decision to end the life will make them happy than the pain they are suffering from illness. The main object for euthanasia is Utilitarian. Utilitarian states that the action which brings happiness to the large number of people and at the end the result should conclude the moral importance of that action. As euthanasia increase happiness and release the person from the pain then it is morally correct. Utilitarian also states that an individual has the full independence over their body and are free to make their own decision relating to their body and no one else has the authority. (Crane, 2012) If the patients wants to die then it is totally up to him and the other people even the government authority dont the right to interfere in his decision. (Stadler, 2006) According to utilitarianism theory the action is judged as good or bad after the outcome derived from the action (Thornicroft and Tansella, 2010) According to utilitarian right actions, is the action that has great usefulness. There are some examples of medical issues that promote controversial debates on euthanasia are as follows: A girl named Emma Ogden suffering from a constant heart defect she was suffering from this disease since twelve year of her life. She was treated by Dr. Abdul Hamid. He informed her and her parents that the only way of her survival is undergoing through a risky heart transplant process. (Young and Kaan, 2014) Emma was mature enough to decide that she does not want to go through the process and was ready to face the consequence that is death. Dr Hamid wanted to treat her but was stuck; then he went to take the permission of her parents and here creates a controversy. Another example of medical issues that promote controversial debates is a 14 year old Chilean girl who was suffering from acute cystic fibrosis is asking permission from her countrys president to end her life. (Giddings, 2009) She published short video pleading to meet the president and she posted the video on facebook which gone viral. This creates a controversy. A pair of identical twins Marc and Eddy verbessem, who was born deaf. When they found out that they would soon become blind then they decided to end their lives together and requested the doctor under euthanized to give lethal injection. (Philpott, 2014) This case was highly controversial. Another controversial case of euthanasia was the case of Brittany Maynard who was terminally ill pled to end her life under Oregons Death With Dignity under this law a person with incurable disease can take their lives with lethal dose provided by the doctor. The patient and her husband moved to Oregon from California to take the advantage of this law. The case of Timothy Bowers who was 32 went for deer haunting when he fell from a tree which was 16 feet long caused a severe spinal injury. The accident made him paralyzed totally dependent on a ventilator, so his family asked the doctor to remove him from the ventilator, the doctor after taking the consent of the patient removed him from ventilator. This case was also very controversial. One more controve rsial case of euthanasia that of a murderer and the rapist who was given the right of euthanasia, in this case the murderer pled for euthanasia as he could not bear the psychological sufferings of living in prison so he was given the right to die under Belgium liberal euthanasia laws. Apparently many of us has experienced with our loved ones who suffered very much during the end of their life. So after the whole research I personally feel that euthanasia should be made legal, though there are many types of risks involve like relatives may kill the patient in order to take over the property and can say that the patient himself asked or requested him to take his life as he wanted to get rid of the pain he was suffering, this can happen if euthanasia made legalised. But still I feel these types of risk will never omit the fact that the people lives in very miserable conditions, they are suffering from an incurable diseases and bearing lots of pain so it will be very unfair to keep them alive and forcing them to live this life in a painful way. If the patient himself wants to end his life and want to get rid of the pain then the government or the society should not interfere in their decision of ending their life rather they should help them in doing so because everyo ne has the right to die in a peaceful and dignified way. Everyone has the right to die painlessly; this would give happiness not only to the patient but also their family members. Moreover the cost of medical treatment is raising up very frequently so if someone is suffering from disabilities or from terminal illness and the patient wants to end his life so he should have the right to do so because as the disease is incurable it is of no use to continue the treatment, it will not cure the disease rather it will increase the cost of medical treatment and sufferings for the patient. To support my arguments regarding legalisation of euthanasia let me give an example. An Indian nurse named Aruna Ramchandra Shanbaug who was working in King Edward Memorial Hospital; Mumbai was sexually assaulted by a ward boy of the hospital and remained in a vegetative state for 37 years. On 24th January 2011, the Supreme Court of India responded to the plea for euthanasia filed by Aruna friend, journali st Pinki Virani but the court rejected the petition on 7th March 2011. But later she died from Pneumonia on 8th May 2015 after being in a vegetative state for nearly 42 years. Now my point is why the court turned down the petition and was giving stress on natural death. When she was in coma for so many years, she must have suffered a lot, if the court had granted euthanasia, she would have got rid of her pain. So in my opinion court should have given the permission for euthanasia to set her free from the pain she was bearing for 37 years. Till now euthanasia is not accepted properly by the government of most of the country as it involves the risk of intentional murder. References Crane, S. (2012). Independence. [Charleston, S.C.: CreateSpace]. Danyliv, A. and O'Neill, C. (2015). Attitudes towards legalising physician provided euthanasia in Britain: The role of religion over time. Social Science Medicine, 128, pp.52-56. Duke, A. and Bgue, L. (2015). The drunk utilitarian: Blood alcohol concentration predicts utilitarian responses in moral dilemmas. Cognition, 134, pp.121-127. Giddings, S. (2009). Cystic fibrosis. New York: Chelsea House. James, P. and Austen, J. (2011). Death comes to Pemberley. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. Johnson, L. (2012). National security intelligence. Cambridge: Polity. McHugh, C. (2011). Epistemic Deontology and Voluntariness. Erkenn, 77(1), pp.65-94. Morris, D. (2012). Tax cheating. Albany: Excelsior Editions. Philpott, S. (2014). Execution by Lethal Injection: Illegal Research ?. Hastings Center Report, 44(2), pp.11-12. Solomita, S. (2009). Mercy killing. Sutton: Severn House. Stadler, H. (2006). Disabil-ITy-Projekt zur Berufsvorbereitung junger Menschen mit Krperbehinderungen abgeschlossen. Die Rehabilitation, 45(3), pp.186-187. Starvation diet. (2013). Nature, 494(7438), pp.401-402. Terminally ill deserve honesty. (2013). Nursing Standard, 27(34), pp.8-8. Thornicroft, G. and Tansella, M. (2010). Mental Health Outcome Measures. London: RCPsych Publications. Young, M. (2007). Euthanasia. Detroit: Greenhaven Press. Young, Q. and Kaan, A. (2014). Improving the Heart Transplant Decision Making Process: 10-year Experience Using the Heart Transplant Candidate Selection Form. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 33(4), p.S223
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