Saturday, November 30, 2019
Air Pollution Problem Looming Large Essay Example
Air Pollution Problem Looming Large Paper In the water you could see floating paper bags, bottles, and a wrapper of chips or noodle cups. I looked around me, and in the sand was even more trash half buried by the wind. Wave all been taught the rules; we all have heard many times the pleaded cry from the environmentalists to save the planet. But do we really listen? Sure, we may try recycling for a short period of time, experimenting a new hobby. If everyone assumes the mentality that other people will recycle for them, then the world will slowly fill up with Our own garbage and waste. Pollution can be dangerous to us personally for many reasons. One reason is because men and woman here in Malaysia let their children play in the ocean water, the water in which the government dumps all of Pennant waste. This not only will infect the water, but the children who most likely will swallow some of this water. The second reason is turtles used to come to Penman to hatch their eggs, but because of all the pollution they were forced to find a farther off island. We will write a custom essay sample on Air Pollution Problem Looming Large specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Air Pollution Problem Looming Large specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Air Pollution Problem Looming Large specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This may cause the baby turtles to be born in a more dangerous spot, which places them on the endangered list. Solutions for pollution have many possibilities. I think the most important solution is teaching the children young. When you teach kids something at a younger age that rule is more likely to be ingrained in their minds, and it will remind them when they are older. Was personally taught when I was younger about not littering, I loudest even think about throwing my trash on the ground. That is until I came over to Malaysia; those rules impact on me seemed to be weakened because I was constantly seeing people dropping their trash. Governmental ways of helping solve pollution could be to either tax the community or fine the individual offender. But this solution could go two ways; either people will learn and understand that pollution is bad and will decrease their littering, or they will get angry at the system and increase their amount to feel like they have more power in what they say they can and cannot do.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Comparison of IVF Laws in Italy and Australia essays
Comparison of IVF Laws in Italy and Australia essays Comparison between In-Vitro Fertilisation Laws and beliefs in Italy and Australia Having a child is one of the most important decisions that a woman can make in her life. Equally, it is a decision that every woman has a right to be able to make without restrictions. Prior to the development of fertility assistance and treatment, childbirth was a decision that nature controlled, if a woman was unable to conceive then there were little or no opportunities for her to become a biological mother. Today, scientific advances in this area are able to give all women the opportunity, if not the hope, of becoming a mother in their own right. However, this decision has somewhat veered away from the choice of the woman and is tied to legal implications set out by the State, which seems not to help women so much, but to make it more difficult for all women to have access to something that is their right. Italy and Australia are two such countries with the capabilities to help women and yet both are adamant in their choices to restrict access to this technology and only grant it to people whom they deem to be appropriate. A comparison of the In-Vitro Fertilisation laws in Italy and Australia, and specifically the state of Victoria, will be conducted in the following pages to help shed some light on the hindrances that some women encounter when facing the decision of motherhood. In-Vitro Fertilisation laws in Italy are some of the most restrictive in Europe, defining rules for eligibility on the marital status and sexual preference of women, the availability of sperm use and the number of embryos implanted, to name a few. Being a Catholic country, the introduction of In-Vitro Fertilisation laws in Italy created a problematic situation for both the church and the State, as they are still quite intricately tied to one another. Traditionally, the church is contrary to any means of fertility treatment as it seems to go against the flow of nat...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Brigadier General Nathaniel Lyon in the Civil War
Brigadier General Nathaniel Lyon in the Civil War Nathaniel Lyon - Early Life Career: The son of Amasa and Kezia Lyon, Nathaniel Lyon was born at Ashford, CT on July 14, 1818. Though his parents were farmers, Lyon had little interest in pursuing a similar path. Inspired by relatives who had served in the American Revolution, he instead sought a military career. Gaining entry to West Point in 1837, Lyons classmates included John F. Reynolds, Don Carlos Buell, and Horatio G. Wright. While at the academy, he proved an above average student and graduated in 1841 ranked 11th in a class of 52. Commissioned as a second lieutenant, Lyon received orders to join the Company I, 2nd US Infantry and served with the unit during the Second Seminole War. Nathaniel Lyon - Mexican-American War: Returning north, Lyon commenced garrison duty at Madison Barracks at Sacketts Harbor, NY. Known as a tough disciplinarian with a fiery temper, he was court-martialed following an incident in which he beat a drunken private with the flat of his sword before hog-tying him and throwing him in jail. Suspended from duty for five months, Lyons behavior led him to be arrested twice more prior to the beginning of the Mexican-American War in 1846. Though he had concerns regarding the countrys motivation for war, he traveled south in 1847 as part of Major General Winfield Scotts army. Commanding a company in the 2nd Infantry, Lyon earned praise for his performance in the Battles of Contreras and Churubusco in August as well as received a brevet promotion to captain. The following month, he sustained a minor leg wound in the final battle for Mexico City. In recognition of his service, Lyon earned a promotion to first lieutenant. With the end of the conflict, Lyon was sent to northern California to aid in maintaining order during the Gold Rush. In 1850, he commanded an expedition sent to locate and punish members of the Pomo tribe for the deaths of two settlers. During the mission, his men killed a large number of innocent Pomo in what became known as the Bloody Island Massacre. Nathaniel Lyon - Kansas: Ordered to Fort Riley, KS in 1854, Lyon, now a captain, was angered by the terms of the Kansas-Nebraska Act which permitted the settlers in each territory to vote to determine whether slavery would be permitted. This resulted in a flood of pro- and anti-slavery elements into Kansas which in turn led to wide-ranging guerrilla warfare known as Bleeding Kansas. Moving through the US Armys outposts in the territory, Lyon attempted to help keep the peace but steadily began supporting the Free State cause and the new Republican Party. In 1860, he published a series of political essays in the Western Kansas Express which made his views clear. As the secession crisis began following the election of Abraham Lincoln, Lyon received orders to take command of the St. Louis Arsenal on January 31, 1861. Nathaniel Lyon - Missouri: Arriving in St. Louis on February 7, Lyon entered a tense situation which saw the largely Republican city isolated in a mostly Democratic state. Concerned about the actions of pro-secession Governor Claiborne F. Jackson, Lyon became allies with Republican Congressmen Francis P. Blair. Assessing the political landscape, he advocated for decisive action against Jackson and enhanced the arsenals defenses. Lyons options were hampered somewhat by Department of the West commander Brigadier General William Harney who favored a wait and see approach to dealing with the secessionists. To combat the situation, Blair, through St. Louis Committee of Safety, commenced raising volunteer units comprised of German immigrants while also lobbying Washington for Harneys removal.   Though a tense neutrality existed through March, events accelerated in April following the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter. When Jackson refused to raise the volunteer regiments requested by President Lincoln, Lyon and Blair, with permission from Secretary of War Simon Cameron, took it upon themselves to enlist the called for troops. These volunteer regiments quickly filled and Lyon was elected their brigadier general. In response, Jackson raised the state militia, part of which gathered outside the city at what became known as Camp Jackson. Concerned about this action and alerted to a plan to smuggle Confederate weapons into the camp, Lyon scouted the area, and with the aid of Blair and Major John Schofield, devised a plan to surround the militia. Moving on May 10, Lyons forces succeeded in capturing the militia at Camp Jackson and began marching these prisoners to the St. Louis Arsenal. En route, the Union troops were pelted with insults and debris. At one point, a shot rang out which mortally wounded Captain Constantine Blandowski. Following additional shots, part of Lyons command fired into the crowd killing 28 civilians. Reaching the arsenal, the Union commander paroled the prisoners and ordered them to disperse. Though his actions were applauded by those with Union sympathies, they led to Jackson passing a military bill which created the Missouri State Guard under the leadership of former governor Sterling Price. Nathaniel Lyon - Battle of Wilson Creek: Promoted to brigadier general in the Union Army on May 17, Lyon assumed command of the Department of the West later that month. A short time later, he and Blair met with Jackson and Price in an attempt to negotiate peace. These efforts failed and Jackson and Price moved towards Jefferson City with the Missouri State Guard. Unwilling to lose the state capital, Lyon moved up the Missouri River and occupied the city on June 13. Moving against Prices troops, he won a victory at Booneville four days later and compelled the Confederates to retreat to the southwest. After installing a pro-Union state government, Lyon added reinforcements to his command which he dubbed the Army of the West on July 2. While Lyon encamped at Springfield on July 13, Prices command united with Confederate troops led by Brigadier General Benjamin McCulloch. Moving north, this combined force intended to attack Springfield. This plan soon came apart as Lyon departed the town on August 1. Advancing, he took the offensive with the goal of surprising the enemy. An initial skirmish at Dug Springs the next day saw Union forces victorious, but Lyon learned that he was badly outnumbered. Assessing the situation, Lyon made plans to retreat to Rolla, but first decided to mount a spoiling attack on McCulloch, who was encamped at Wilsons Creek, to delay the Confederate pursuit. Attacking on August 10, the Battle of Wilson Creek initially saw Lyons command have success until its efforts were halted by the enemy. As the fighting raged, the Union commander sustained two wounds but remained on the field. Around 9:30 AM, Lyon was hit in the chest and killed while leading a charge forward. Nearly overwhelmed, Union troops withdrew from the field later that morning. Though a defeat, Lyons rapid actions in the preceding weeks helped keep Missouri in Union hands. Left on the field in the confusion of the retreat, Lyons body was recovered by the Confederates and buried at a local farm. Later recovered, his body was re-interred in his family plot in Eastford, CT where around 15,000 attended his funeral.   Selected Sources Civil War Trust: Nathaniel LyonState Historical Society of Missouri: Nathaniel LyonFirebrand in a Powder Keg
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Dangerous Climate Change And Some Of The Strategies That Can Be Essay
The Dangerous Climate Change And Some Of The Strategies That Can Be Used To Avert The Beginning Of A Dangerous Climate Change - Essay Example Articles 2 of UNFCCC refer dangerous climatic change as dangerous anthropogenic interference caused by human activities. However, Parker and Shapiro (2008) give a more specific definition of a climatic change. They state that dangerous climatic change refers to any or combination of the following; three feet rise in sea level, beyond 50 percent extinction of species or / and regional change in climate that cause severe reduction of local food and water supply. According to climate change experts, dangerous climate change is caused by additional 2oF (1.2oC) rise in global warming above 2000 levels. 2oF (1.2oC) rise in global warming above 2000 levels is equivalent to 450 (per particle million) ppm of Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. In May 2008, there were 385 ppm CO2 levels (Parker and Shapiro, 2008). Increase in carbon dioxide concentration is caused by human activities that release carbon dioxide into the atmospheres. All combustion, which are made to generate energy releases ca rbon dioxide into the atmosphere and should be controlled if dangerous climatic change is to be avoided. Figure 1-Reasons for concern about climate change impacts Temperature Change (0C) Sources OECD, 2004 The above figure shows the warming range per every unit of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. Each column represents a tipping point caused by a given concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The rate of warming is indicated by the graph that cut across all the columns. Column one shows that an increase in carbon dioxide concentration from 350 ppm to 550 ppm generate additional temperatures of between 1.5oC and 2oC respectively. The impact of increase in temperatures in column one can only harm handful species and can threatened earth system, which may trigger things like ice melt or dieback of forests. If carbon dioxide emissions were to stabilize at around 850 ppm substantial additional warming would occur at this range because the slope of the graph is very steep. If carbon concentrations were to go beyond column five in the above diagram, then temperatures will rise by about 5oC and 6oC respectively. These are extreme rise in temperatures and life may cease to exist. 2) The most affected by dangerous climate change The number of people who die or in danger in developed nations is less as compared to those who die or in danger in developing nations. This is because infrastructure and social safety nets are inadequate or non-existent to cushion people from less developed countries from dangerous effects caused by drastic changes in the climate. People in developing countries are mainly affected by dwindling food suppliers while people in developed countries suffer from weather related conditions such as heat strokes and hurricanes. According to Dawson and Spannagle (2009 p.115), precipitated patterns have caused extreme weather events. Rainfall patterns are changing and incidences of drought have increased due to global warming in devel oping countries. These have affected agricultural production in Sub-Sahara Africa, South Asia and Mediterranean region. Developing countries are hard hit by failing crop yields and declining water supply. Worsening food securities are evident in Africa and South Asian countries. It is estimated that twenty three million people will be hit by severe drought and rising food prices in Uganda, Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya. As a result, Oxfam Launched $152 million appeal to help most affected people in
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Businesses are built on relationships. What do you think this Essay
Businesses are built on relationships. What do you think this statement means What are the implications for managing th - Essay Example Moreover both the parties should let each other know what is their importance. The relationships in business may be of many types like buyer–seller, investors, distributors, middlemen, channel partners etc. Without any relationship in the business world it will become extremely difficult to expand and continue the business. It also depends upon the type of business you are in and upon the responsibilities you have. For instance, if your business is sales, marketing or any of such kind then building strong business relationships is a must. The external environment has a very strong impact on the businesses which may be directly interactive or indirectly interactive. Directly interactive, forces include owners, customers, employees, suppliers, competitors etc. The owners expect that the managers will work in the best interest of the firm and the customers expect that their demand is satisfied by the products they use. The suppliers require timely payments from the organization. The second is the indirectly interactive force which includes political, legal, technological, socio-cultural, changes. For instance, if a company deals in technology it will greatly be affected by the new softwares which are coming up then to a company which does not.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Extended Definition †Firewall Essay Example for Free
Extended Definition – Firewall Essay Firewall – (1) A computer program or hardware device used to provide additional security on networks by blocking access from the public network to certain services in the private network. (2) It is an integrated collection of security measures designed to prevent unauthorized electronic access to a networked computer system. It is also a device or set of devices configured to permit, deny, encrypt, decrypt, or proxy all computer traffic between different security domains based upon a set of rules and other criteria. Etymology Firewall is consisting of two words â€Å"fire†and â€Å"wall†. Fire can be traced from the Old English word fyr a Germanic language which means â€Å"fire, torch†. In Old Czech language pyr means â€Å"hot ashes†. Moreover, wall is can be traced from the Old English word weall which means rampart (natural as well as man-made) and defensive fortification around a city, side of a building, interior partition, which apparently a borrowing from Classic Latin vallum which means wall, rampart, row or line of stakes†. However, the term firewall, as we used here, is a recently coined term for network security and technology. History and Background The term firewall originally meant a wall to confine a fire or potential fire within a building, c. f. firewall (construction). It was also used later on as a referral to similar structures, like metal sheet that separates the engine compartment of a vehicle or aircraft from the passenger compartment. Firewall technology emerged in the late 1980s when during that time Internet was a fairly new technology in terms of its global use and connectivity. The forerunners to firewalls for network security were the routers used to separate networks from one another in the mid to late 1980s. Firewalls are important for the following reasons: it can block unauthorized users to access your network; it can protect the network from attacks using the e-mail system; it can prevent vandals from logging into the machines on your network; and it can serve as a tracer for those who attempted to use your network’s data.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Postponing Motherhood Essay -- Pregnancy Birth Children Short Stories
Postponing Motherhood As a senior in a small high school in Connecticut, Jane Swanson* was attending weekly volleyball team practices, planning for college, studying for tests, and spending time with her friends and her boyfriend. She was a typical teenager until, at 17, she learned that she was pregnant. Stunned by the news and unsure of what to do, she spoke to her friends about her options. She was especially surprised because she was using condoms and practicing safe sex. Sadly, half of the 1.3 million women having abortions each year used some form of contraception when they became pregnant. She quickly realized that with her friends being teens themselves, they couldn’t give the best advice, and decided to call the nearest Planned Parenthood in Connecticut. Planned Parenthood is one of the best-known resources for abortion services. About to celebrate is 75th year, it is well known for promoting sexual and reproductive health through â€Å"clinical services, education and advocacy.†"Caring professionals provide a wide range of services in our modern facilities. Our clients know they can trust us to provide confidential and comprehensive health care at a reasonable cost,†wrote Dianne Luby, President and CEO of the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts, in her public address published on the clinics’ web site. Swanson spoke to a receptionist who informed her of the different types of abortions, medical and surgical, and also urged her to come into the office as soon as possible. She added, however, that that particular clinic did not perform abortions and she would have to travel a significant distance, to Hartford, for the procedure. The National Abortion Federation, through its 350 member clinics and... ...ake the decision to abort,†said Brown. â€Å"They fear being cut off from their families, their education being interrupted, their finances, that their boyfriends would leave them. They’ve already made up their minds.†A branch of A Woman’s Concern includes â€Å"Healthy Choices,†a five-day program in middle schools and high schools aimed at educating young people on unhealthy behaviors, misconceptions in the media, and lesson in skill building, designed to teach the students that they have a voice. "Healthy Start†has visited eleven or twelve different schools in and around the Boston area so far this year, and has received a positive response. Two years after having an abortion, Swanson, is still confident that she made the right decision. "There is no shame in getting pregnant, or getting help,†Swanson said. â€Å"Looking back, I only wish I had told my mother.â€
Monday, November 11, 2019
Nestle Essay
Nestle – The Infant Formula Incident Summary of Case and Results In response to a pamphlet entitled â€Å"Nestle Kills Babies,†published in 1974 by the Swiss consumer/activist group, Arbeitsgruppe Dritte Welt, Nestle Alimentana filed a four-count libel suit against members of the organization. The pamphlet was a reprint of an earlier one entitled â€Å"Bottled Babies,†published by a similar British group. Both alleged that false advertising had prompted mothers in LDCs to use infant formula instead of breast feeding, and consequently caused the deaths of thousands of children. However, the original pamphlet had not mentioned Nestle or any of the other companies by name, and thus did not raise the issue of libel. Three of the charges, which Nestle subsequently withdrew, related to allegations made in the pamphlet about Nestle’s promotional methods in LDCs. The fourth charge, which led to a judgment against thirteen members of the group in June 1976, focused on the defamatory title â€Å"Nestle Kills Babies. †In his decision, the judge stated that the cause behind the injuries and deaths was not Nestle’s products; rather, it was the unhygienic way they were prepared by end-users. Although Nestle won its case, the firm’s victory was diluted by (1) having to pay one third of the court costs and (2) being told by the judge to change its marketing methods to prevent further misuse of its products. The defendants were ordered to pay $120 each in damages to Nestle and two thirds of court costs. Suggestions Companies selling consumable products (foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals) to LDCs have long recognized the need to adapt their promotional techniques to their consumers who are, by and large, poor and illiterate. In recent years, one particular group of food producersâ€â€those firms making infant formula and other milk productsâ€â€has come under severe attack by various religious, consumer and governmental organizations. Criticism focuses on two issues: (1) that companies allegedly use false advertising to induce mothers to substitute formula for their own milk, and (2) that firms are directly responsible when misuse of their products results in illness or death. The assault was dramatized in the recent Swiss case involving Nestle Alimentana. The responses of milk product manufacturers have ranged from writing corporate policies on LDC marketing to organizing industry councils and holding meetings with pressure groups. But most significantly, companies have altered marketing practices in ways that other firms making consumable items should find instructive. These changes include Tightening up direct selling methods. A common practice is to have â€Å"mother-craft nurses,†â€â€local women who may be nurses, dietitians or midwivesâ€â€visit clinics and homes to encourage doctors and consumers to use infant formula. Critics charge that these women are often unqualified to speak on nutrition and that they distort facts to make formula feeding more attractive than breast feeding. As a result, many firms now forbid representatives from discouraging breast feeding and demand that they go to clinics and homes only if invited or sent by a family doctor. Stressing nutritional training. Firms are improving the nutritional instruction given to representatives. In addition, promoters are providing consumers with educational presentations, including seminars, films and brochures. Such training not only combats misuse of products, but also benefits the manufacturer. For example, one corporation whose sales representatives in Indonesia conducted local demonstration on uses of a condensed-milk product found that the presentations accomplished several aims: (1) alerted the representative to problems people had in preparing and using the product, (2) served as a rough test market for the product and (3) helped to bolster the firm’s image. Controlling distributors’ promotional activities. Manufacturers selling milk products through distributors have often given them free rein over local advertising. Some corporate executives worry about becoming too closely associated with distributors’ advertising, fearing possible liability for erroneous claims made by distributors. However, such liability would be difficult to avoid in any situation involving a company’s trademarks and products. A few firms, recognizing this, are currently monitoring all new promotional campaigns of distributors. Curtailing mass media advertising. Several corporations that formerly advertised infant formula on TV, radio, billboards and newspapers are now relying solely on sales representatives. Improving labeling and directions for use. Developing promotional/instructional materials to help low-literacy users. The International Council of Infant Food Industries, formed in 1975, is studying ways to improve communication methods for use in areas of high illiteracy. Possibilities include cartoons, pictures, radio programs and even sound trucks. (Use of new informational materials would be subject to approval of local authorities. ) Price of Social Responsibility For some firms, the cost of maintaining ethical standards is high. One large food company actually closed down its milk-processing plant in Pakistan because pasteurization laws were not being enforced, and local firms selling unpasteurized milk were gaining a competitive edge. Additionally, the quality of the firm’s product was tarnished by local consumers who frequently diluted the milk with polluted stream water to â€Å"stretch†it for their own use or for resale. In light of these problems, and othersâ€â€such as the high cost of marketing and training, and the relatively low sales volumeâ€â€some companies have contemplated withdrawing these products from LDC markets. However, the market potential for milk products in these countries is strong because of increasing populations and rising standards of living. In addition, the growing role of women in the labor force is creating a greater need for infant formulas. Thus, it appears that firms will remain in these markets. Every 30 seconds a baby dies from unsafe bottle feeding, that’s is approximately 1. 5 million babies a year, this is because formula milk companies provide free powder milk to mothers while in hospital in third world countries ensuring that babies are routinely bottle-fed and not breastfed. As a result babies become dependent on artificial milk. Despite the number of deaths formula milk companies continue to promote artificial feeding in ways that undermine breastfeeding. Nestle made a profit of ? 2. 7 billion year 2007 from selling baby formula milk. In third world countries bottle feeding is dangerous due to unsafe water supplies and difficulties with keeping bottles sterile. Cost is also a problem, once out of hospital the milk is no longer free. Costing families up to 50% of their weekly income, due to high costs, milk mixtures are over diluted and mothers buy cheaper, bad quality formula milk instead. This means the baby is inadequately fed leading to malnutrition, diarrhea and often death. Formula milk companies make profit by exploiting vulnerable mothers.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Of Media and Press Freedom
Fahrenheit 9/11, a documentary film which debuted in the 2004 Cannes Film Festival, was produced, written, and directed by the now controversial Michael Moore. It has – and continues to – create waves in American society for its liberal and litigious perspectives. Although the title includes the fateful numbers 9 and 11, the documentary was not really about September 11, but it did touch briefly on that doomful day for all Americans; especially since it was pivotal for the discussion of what was really the movie’s main target. The film provided not only the American people but also the world over a critical look on George W. Bush’s presidency and his War on Terrorism. Moore, admittedly a liberal, is not exactly fond of President George W. Bush. And this is apparent in his works, especially with the documentary film now in question. In fact, Fahrenheit 9/11 was mostly an attack on W. Bush and the way he handled the 9/11 attacks and the pressing threat of terrorism on America. Moore contends that W. Bush was not exactly an inept president; au contraire, he was a really smart one who knew just how influential his position is. Released in America under the presidency of the very man it sought to destroy, Fahrenheit 9/11 was the perfect example of just how much democracy can be – and, sometimes, should be – very lenient on the media. With the media being branded as a ‘watchdog’, serving as the citizens’ omnipotent eye on the goings-on of politics and everything else that concerns them, it is very necessary to let the media speak as freely as it should. Even with moves to censor and even discredit Moore and his claims in this documentary, the Bush administration had to let the movie be shown as completely hiding Fahrenheit 9/11 from the public will be a cause for questioning the government’s commitment to freedom of speech, which is clearly stated in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Yet with the admirable way Fahrenheit 9/11 demonstrated our country’s committal to press freedom, the Palme d’Or recipient also painted just how media can also go overboard and abuse its function as a watchdog. Even with the guise of being a look into how a president can abuse his powers, Fahrenheit 9/11 was made in a manner that can cause discord. Made and exhibited at a time when Americans are still healing from the wounds of September 11 and the movie painfully refreshed the hurt that the events caused the American people. As the now popular Spiderman saying goes, â€Å"With great power comes great responsibility.†This only means that people behind the media know just when propagandas and destructive materials should be kept to a minimum. Assuming that Moore did get his facts right in the movie and his claims in his award-winning documentary have basis and are deserving of being exposed to the people, we can still see just how abusive media can be of its powers – this time, we’ll see it in the stories that Moore weaved. Media’s insolent nature is most apparent in the part where the movie’s director/writer portrayed the news networks’ contribution to the ‘fear’ propaganda. Moore claims that the launching of a war in Iraq had no basis, just W. Bush’s own ‘fear’ propaganda, which (as was also stated by Member of the Congress Jim McDermott) was spurred by the media’s willing coverage of the Bush administration’s feed of the ‘constant’ threat of terrorism even though there were no specific details handed out. And so in a way, Moore also momentarily paints a tirade on American media’s eagerness to become a voice of the Bush administration by presenting the terror threat and even the Iraqi war in a non-rationale way, going with what the W. Bush administration wanted them to cover. For Moore, a lot of lies and cover-ups happened with the War on Terrorism coverage. Indeed, Fahrenheit 9/11 may have torn the nation into two – some believing its theories wholeheartedly, and some reserving their trust to the Bush administration. But for any political science student, the movie is a perfect look as to how important a role and responsibility the media posses in a democratic society. The movie also throws in the glaring fact that the media – with all its freedom and responsibility – should take extra care in handling its affairs. References Fahrenheit 9/11. Dir. Michael Moore. 2004, June 25. DVD. Lion Gates Films, 2004.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
By And By
By And By the suicide note that Camp left indicates that he still loved his wife when he killed himself since he made many arrangements and told her he loved her many times. here is the note: Camp's Suicide Note Loma baby i tried to plan so as not to mess up yr kitchen. i loved you since the day i layed eyes on you you jus as pretty now as then. so it aint you Loma baby its i aint good for nuthin, which you know. its got so jusgetin out of bed every mornin is to much. i pact up my close and all in a box so you woodn have to fool with it. my leavin this werl dont have nuthin to do with you bein mad at me for not fixin the fawsit I bin aimin to do it a long time for the fawsit went to leekin.plese save my gold pockit watch for Campbell Junior i leeve it to him i aired it from my grandedy you know.Ocey Snead suicide note
Monday, November 4, 2019
Brenton Butler Essay Sample
On the forenoon of May 7th. 2000 the slaying of Mary Ann Stephens occurred. She was a tourer to Jacksonville. Florida along with her hubby. The two were remaining at the Ramada Inn Hotel and had merely came from breakfast when they were approached by a immature black adult male who held them at gunpoint. took Mrs. Stephens’ bag so proceeded to hit her between the eyes. When the constabulary foremost arrived. the aged woman’s organic structure was several inches off from the way on which her and her hubby were walking along to acquire back to their room. Her organic structure was strewn across the grass. covered in blood with the slug and it’s lesion being clearly seeable to the bare oculus. This instance became controversial and it is believed that there was racial favoritism and profiling involved because Brenton Butler. and immature black male. was arrested several hours subsequently by constabularies. Police InvestigationIn the procedure of the apprehension of Brenton Butler. there was no extended probe done by the constabulary. During the test. this fact was admitted by the officers when Pat McGuiness. who was stand foring Brenton. raised the point of them non oppugning neighbors. non look intoing for Deoxyribonucleic acid on the stolen bag etc. When they arrived at the scene. they asked Mr. Stephens to give them a description of the taw. Mr. Stephens described the taw to be tall. scraggy physique. dark shirt and trunkss. a fishing chapeau and black in skin colour. Polices that were appraising the country saw Brenton Butler. who was at the clip walking from his place to Blockbuster to manus out a sketch. a thinly framed. tall. male have oning a dark shirt and dark shorts†¦coincidentally. Brenton Butler was a black male. Officer Williams and Officer Darnell told Brenton there had been a slaying nearby and asked him to come with them to inquire him some inquiries about anythin g he may hold seen. which Brenton agreed to. When they brought 15-year-old Brenton Butler to the offense scene. Mr. Stephens instantly identified Brenton as being the liquidator and asked the officers to convey him nearer. at this clip he positively identified him as being his wife’s liquidator. When brought into the constabulary station. Military officers William and Darnell passed Butler onto Detective Glover. Detective Glover got Brenton to squeal to the slaying. He did this by physically endangering the life of Brenton and stating that for every ten seconds that passed in which Butler didn’t mark the confession. he would ache him. He represented that by demoing Brenton his gun. Detective Glover so brought Brenton out into the forests where the gun had allegedly been hidden and wanted Brenton to demo him where it was. which Brenton did non cognize. Because of this. although there was no sufficient grounds to turn out such actions. Detective Glover punched Butler in the tummy twice and one time in his left oculus. If more investigation would hold been done. they would hold accounted the fact that Brenton was 5 inches shorter and many old ages younger than the adult male that Mr. Stephens reported. Brenton besides had a really noticeable logo on the forepart of the shirt he was have oning. when Mr. Stephens spoke of what the liquidator was have oning he said the shirt had been obviou sly. Besides. when Mr. McGuiness spoke with Brenton’s female parent in their place. he got a expression at Brenton’s hat aggregation. which consisted of 3 chapeaus. none of which were anything remotely near to the â€Å"fishing hat†which Mr. Stephens identified on the liquidator. Mr. Stephens besides neer mentioned the liquidator have oning spectacless. which Brenton wears mundane and would hold been visibly noticeable to Mr. Stephens sing the place of the liquidator at the clip in relation to himself. Neither officers nor investigators felt the demand to oppugn neighbours inquiring if they had seen Brenton at the times specified in their study. they didn’t experience the demand to garner background information on Brenton or see the fact that Brenton Butler had neer been in gaol before that day of the month. therefore he had neer committed a offense in Jacksonville. Florida. Brenton Butler was charged with armed robbery and the first grade slaying or Mary Ann Stephens on May 7th. 2000. Brenton Butler Page 1What about the Forensic Investigation†¦ ?Like the constabulary probe. there was a deficiency of forensic engagement in this instance every bit good. Brenton Butler was entirely charged based on the fact that. an oculus informant. Mr. Stephens identified Brenton as the liquidator. Many will declare this instance to be racial favoritism and racial profiling. due to the fact that Brenton was a black male like the liquidator. Brenton merely happened to be in the incorrect topographic point at the incorrect clip. In the forensic probe. after happening Mrs. Stephens’ stolen bag in a refuse container a stat mi off from the slaying. they should hold tested the bag for DNA and finger prints. If they had done this. they would hold seen that Brenton Butler’s finger prints were in fact non to be found on the bag. alternatively they would hold those of another adult male and Butler would hold been immediately proved inexperienced person. Cardinal people involved in the instance Brenton Butler – the accusedOfficer Darnell – constabularies officer. one of the officer’s that arrested and questioned Butler Officer Williams – constabularies officer. the 2nd officer that arrested and questioned Brenton Detective Glover – investigator and boy of the sheriff. Butler was passed on to Glover to give him a confession. Glover allegedly beat Brenton in the forests and threatened him and forced him into subscribing a written confession Pat McGuiness – attorney. he was the taking attorney stand foring Brenton. after the test he did more investigating Anne Finnell – attorney. she was besides supporting Brenton in his instance Harry Shorstein – State Attorney. decided to prosecute the instance after Brenton confessed Mr. Stephens – retired. he was a tourer sing Jacksonville with his married woman who was shot by a immature black male. he was an oculus informant to the instance. he identified Brenton Butler as be ing the liquidator of his married woman Mary Anne Stephens – retired. held at gunpoint. robbed and murdered Trial ProcedureIn this instance. following Brenton Butler’s apprehension. he taken in for a 12 hr inquiring and so signed and verbally confessed to the slaying after being threatened by Detective Glover. State Attorney Harry Shorstein decided to prosecute the instance. During the test. the chief focal point of the defending attorneies was deficiency of process. deficiency of probe and constabulary ferociousness. All that the prosecution attorney could concentrate on was the fact that Mr. Stephens had reported a tall. skinny. black male have oning dark vesture. which would depict Brenton. and the fact that Brenton confessed to the robbery and slaying. The constabulary and investigators involved in the instance. other than the oculus informant who identified Brenton and the false confession. did nil to garner grounds to turn out Brenton guilty. During the whole procedure. they didn’t state his parents where he was or that he was arrested. which by jurisprudence you have to if the accused is under age. they mislead Brenton’s parents when they showed up to their household place inquiring if Brenton was at that place and stating they merely wanted to speak to him about housebreakings that had been happening in the country. Besides. Officer Darnell had told Brenton he had the right to an lawyer and that if he didn’t have one that he would reach one for him. which he neer followed through with. In respects to the confession given and signed by Brenton. by jurisprudence. a confession must be made on your ain free will. you can’t be pressured into a confession. swayed or otherwise or else it can be deemed unequal to the instance. Brenton ButlerPage 2ResultAfter the shutting statements made by both opposing sides in the tribunal room. the justice told the jury how to do their determination. so they left the courtroom to make their finding of fact. It took the jury less than 1 hr to come to their decision. In respects to the charges against Brenton Butler by the State of Florida for the first degree slaying of Mary Ann Stephens. the jury found him non guilty. In respects to the charges against Brenton Butler by the province of Florida for armed robbery. the jury found him non guilty of that every bit good. So in other words. the jury found him inexperienced person of all charges. After the acquittal. Pat McGuinness. who represented Butler. set out to happen the existent liquidator so he could truly settle the instance. Person had notified him of two possible suspects. He so tested the bag for DNA and found that the prints on the bag matched to one of the names given to him. Jermel Williams pleaded guilty to second-degree slaying and was sentenced to ten old ages in prison. He besides testified against Juan Curtis. who’s fingerprints matched those found on Mrs. Stephens bag. Curtis was found guilty of first-degree slaying and sentenced to life in prison. Although later it was found that because there was no confession. they had denied Curtis’ right to a just test. so they granted him a retrial in which he was found guilty and sentenced to two back-to-back life footings. In February 2001. Brenton’s attorneies announced that they were prosecuting a civil case in which they wanted $ 2. 5 million in amendss against the metropolis. Sheriff’s section and the single officers. Eight months subsequently they refiled the case and wanted $ 8. 5 million alternatively. The Butler household accepted 775. 000 from the metropolis as a colony in 2002. They accepted this sum because of assorted grounds including how long the instance would be d ragged on and how hard it was to turn out the instance under the federal civil rights jurisprudence. Brenton Butler Now Brenton Butler is now 28 old ages old and has written a book about his experience called â€Å"They Said It Was Murder†. The book includes new inside informations about the whippings. his clip in gaol and other unfairnesss in the probe. Besides it discusses the impact the instance had on his household and the near-death of his female parent due to the emphasis of his apprehension. Miscarriages of Justice Brenton Butler spent 6 guiltless months in gaol. His civil rights were violated. They took him to the offense scene under false pretences. didn’t inform his parents of his whereabouts or that he had been arrested ( in the beginning ) and take his parents to believe that they had merely come to their place because they were inquiring the adolescents in the vicinity about reoccurring interruption Immigration and Naturalization Services. Besides. during Brenton’s oppugning. he was threatened and forced into subscribing a confession by Detective Glover and the other two officers and Brenton was taken into a wood and beaten by said investigator. These were all evidently unfairnesss in the instance. Why? Because officers and investigators are supposed to stay by certain Torahs and the rights of the accused and in this instance they did non and they were negligent. Another unfairness was the fact that anyone accused of perpetrating a offense is guiltless until proved guilty. I n Brenton’s instance. every bit shortly as he was spotted walking on the pavement. he was immediately guilty. Brenton ButlerPage 3Personal Chemical reaction Like the Steven Truscott instance. this merely shows us. even though this took topographic point in another state. how flawed our system is. It shows us that even constabularies officers can be racially know aparting and don’t abide by the Torahs. This instance taught us that one second we can be making something wholly normal and accustomed and if you end up in the incorrect topographic point at the incorrect clip. you neer know what could go on. It besides teaches us that we need to be more cognizant of our rights and be more educated on what to make in that sort of state of affairs. In my sentiment. I still trust the jurisprudence and I still trust the constabulary officers will protect me. After hearing about Brenton Butler and what he had to travel through and how ill he was treated it makes me fear the idea of something like this of all time someway go oning to myself. It makes me doubt the judgement of our authorities and our jurisprudence hatchet mans. It besides makes me recognize that society to is really judgmental and racially know aparting. In my sentiment. every bit good as in the sentiment of many others. Mr. Stephens merely identified Brenton Butler as the liquidator because of his race. The deficiency of grounds dorsums this theory up. It’s non merely Mr. Stephens that react in that manner of leap to that decision though. Although the whole segregation coevals has passed us. we still know apart against others. chiefly because they are different from ourselves and we don’t know about their civilization etc. Hearing about Brenton Butler’s instance made me inquire what his household must hold gone through. The emphasis they must hold been under. the anxiousness. the defeat and anger†¦it made me inquire how I would hold handled the state of affairs if I were in it. I besides can’t aid but believe what if Brenton had been a white male†¦he wouldn’t have been stopped by the constabulary that twenty-four hours and wouldn’t have been identified as the liquidator. What if the constabulary and investigators had done more to happen grounds. what if they had tested the bag for fingerprints one time they found it. why didn’t they check the bag for fingerprints†¦cases like this are really thought provoking and do you inquire so many inquiries that can’t be answered. I’m sword lily that he was proven guiltless after everything he went through and I’m sword lily he has been able to travel on with his life and portion with others his experience through his novel.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Why managers may face difficulties when managing employees in a Essay
Why managers may face difficulties when managing employees in a cross-cultural context - Essay Example factory manager who moved to Mexico in order to raise the productivity of his firm factory in the State of Mexico. He apparently was not able to understand main cultural points and his management was a complete failure which led to a 500.000 $ loss for his company. The culture in which each of us lives influences and shapes our feelings, attitudes, and responses to our experiences and interactions with others. Because of our culture, each of us has knowledge, beliefs, values, views, and behaviors that we share with others who have the same cultural heritage. These past experiences, handed down from generation to generation, influence our values of what is attractive and what is ugly, what is acceptable behavior and what is not, and what is right and what is wrong. Our culture also teaches us how to interpret the world. From our culture we learn such things as how close to stand to strangers, when to speak and when to be silent, how to greet friends and strangers, and how to display anger appropriately. Because each culture has a unique way of approaching these situations, we find great diversity in cultural behaviors throughout the world. According to this definition, culture is made of all that defines our background and this is exactly why, as it is stated, we find great diversity in cultural behaviors throughout the world and this is the exact reason why managers may face cross-cultural p... As they have different cultural i.e. different knowledge, beliefs, values, views and behaviors, they will not have the same approach regarding a work, a problem, a situation. According to DuPraw and Axner3 (1997) there are six fundamental patterns of Cultural Difference: Communication Styles, Attitude towards conflict, Approaches to completing tasks, Attitudes towards disclosure, Approaches to knowing. From a culture to another, even if they share the same language, the meaning of words change and doesn't convey the same ideas and the importance of non-verbal communication is not the same. Conflict, depending on the culture, can be seen as a bad or good thing. Western countries often consider conflicts as being undesirable and often do all that is possible to tackle the issues immediately, whereas some other cultures don't have the same considerations on conflicts and believe that it is profitable for both parts. Another aspect of the conflict is the way to tackle it. Some cultures are accustomed to settle a conflict by a written exchange, contrary to the western face-to-face confrontation which can be embarrassing for them. How to complete task also differs from a culture to another because they will consider the same approach to complete it and also the way to work in teams are not the same. The process to make a decision in the working process is also submitted to variation depe nding on the cultural background. In some countries there is only one decision maker for the entire working process whereas in others the there must be a common agreement on what to do. Expressing feelings can also be an issue because it may be considered rude in some
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