Thursday, October 31, 2019
Term paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Term Paper Example Previous years saw a big rise in the number of, jet-airliner crashes. Worse lies ahead. That is spurring a new approach to air safety. When the manufacturers of the greatest numbers of aircrafts mentions that there could be a major air crash once a week by end of 2010, then the time is arrived to start worrying: Boeing has no commercial interest in exaggerating the threat that hangs over aviation. But Boeings bleak forecast has been echoed by others, including the head of Americas Federal Aviation Administration. The steady improvement in airline safety is about to come to an end. In this paper potential areas of improvement and how Aviation Safety Programs can gain its own advantage in the aviation industry will be discussed. Last decade was a particularly bad one for air disasters. Amongst a lot it saw the ValuJet crash in a Florida swamp (killing it), the explosion that blew flight TWA 800 out of the sky off Long Island (killing 230) and a disastrous mid-air collision near New Delhi in India (killing 349) On average, a jet was written off every 9.8 days. As per statistics gathered by Air claims, an aviation-insurance consultancy, there were 75 accidents that completely broke commercial aircraft (jets and small turboprops). These figures include the former Soviet Union. Crashes of big jet airliners-the kind nervous flyers have nightmares about-have raised from an average of 20.6 a year in the 1990s to 25 in the West, and from six a year in the 1990s to 12 in the former Soviet Union. That pushes up the fatality figures. Air claims suggests that "We may now be seeing the early stages of a gradual increase in the annual number of total losses, with the average for the 1990s being generally some10% up on the late 1970s and the 1980s." (Lengrath, 4) Before cancelling their next trip, nervous passengers ought to bear in mind that a rise in the absolute number of fatal crashes is not
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Microeconomics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Microeconomics - Research Paper Example Abdullah (2007) has pointed out that â€Å"8 out of 10 people living in the UAE were born abroad as per the statistics available in 2005. Moreover, the percentage of non-citizen will reach 90 per cent by 2015†(Abdullah, 2007). At present, UAE is trying to reduce the number of expatriate workforce in the country by injecting more locals in the employment sector. This paper analyses the pros and cons of scarcity of manpower resources in UAE. Even though the major revenue source of many of the Gulf countries are oil resources, the case is entirely different for UAE. Business is the major revenue source for UAE. In fact UAE is the business hub of Middle East. Majority of the prominent companies all over the world has business units in UAE. Educated and skilled manpower resources are a must for the business units in UAE. The number of educated UAE locals is less than the demand created by the employment sector in UAE. In other words, supply of UAE labour force would become inadequate to meet the demands crated by the business sector in UAE. Under such circumstances, expatriate workforce is helping UAE immensely in meeting the demand for professionals and skilled workers in industrial and business sector. In short, scarcity of skilled workforce in UAE is helping UAE to bring professionals from all over the world to UAE soil so that the business sector will always get the services of skilled people from different countries. In other words, scarcity of workforce helps UAE to provide diverse workforce from all over the world to UAE business units. It should be noted that diversity of workforce is extremely important in current extremely globalized business environment. Scarcity of domestic workforce helps UAE to strengthen its trade ties with other countries. For example, UAE is successful in establishing string trade relations with India because of the huge number of Indians working in UAE. Dubai world, Dubai media city like big companies are
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Family Systems Therapy And Theories
Family Systems Therapy And Theories Family Systems Therapy is undergirded by a variety of theoretical approaches all of which focuses on human problems which result from relationships. As individuals we are encouraged to be autonomous, independent, make our choices and accept the consequences of these choices. This individualist stance seems to contradict the reality that we are born into families and spend our lives attached to a family either our own creation or one into which we are born. It is within these families that we learn, grow and develop. It is to these families we turn in times of hardships or triumphs. Family Systems Theories postulate that individuals are best understood within the context of their family. Like a living organism, families have properties which none of the individuals have, these properties are destroyed when members of the family are considered as individuals. Family systems theories shift the focus from individuals to the patterns in their relationships. Nichols 2009à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦p102. The behaviors manifested in one family member are linked to the behaviour of other members and may be a hallmark of how the family system functions not just symptoms of one members maladjustment. The difficulties of the presenting family member may, according to Corey 2009à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ p.412 Serve a function and purpose in the family Be unintentionally maintained by the family Be a function of the familys inability to operate productively Be a symptom of the dysfunctional patterns handed down across generations. This kind of approach is very different from the framework of individual psychology which conceptualizes human problem in an intrapsychic framework. The body of knowledge known as Family Systems Theory arises from observations by counselors as they work with individuals and their family. According to family system theories families are systems of interconnected and interdependent individuals. They do not exist in isolation whatever affects the individual affects the entire system. Perhaps the most fundamental concept of how families operate is that the family is a system which has a tendency to maintain stability by using information about its performance as feedback Nichols (2009)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦p98. In this theoretical framework a family is considered to be cybernetic. At the heart of cybernetics is the feedback loop which determines whether the current operation of the system is acceptable and if not attempts to make the necessary changes. The feedback can either be negative or positive. Negative feedback is not bad but indicates that the system needs to take corrective measures to return to stability. Positive feedback may have negative consequences as it may serve to reinforce an error in the system. In order to maintain this stability, there are family rules and family roles. Family Roles-this is a description of what is expected of each family member. At a basic level there are roles of father, mother, daughter, sister and so on, but there are less obvio us roles for example one member may assume the role of the responsible one or the humorous one as the case may be. Family Rules-these are often understood by member of the family although not written down and often unspoken; they set guidelines for how the family operates. For example a family would understand who makes the final decision in important matters. Although family members may see these rules as just the way things are they may or may not be aware that different families would do the same thing differently. The pioneers of family therapy recognized that social and cultural forces shape our values, thoughts and our concept of normal, but it was Murray Bowen that first defined a family theory. According to him, the history of our family creates a mold that shapes our values thoughts and experiences. He further suggested that this mold is passed from one generation to the next. Bowens theory focuses on two counterbalancing life forces. The first is togetherness and the second is individuality. When a family shares too much togetherness, fusion is created and where there is too much individuality the result is estranged family. He introduced eight interrelated concept to explain how families develop and function. Differentiation of self is the ability to distinguish and maintain personal thoughts feeling goals and identity in the face of emotional and social pressures to do differently.Differentiation of self is the cornerstone of Bowens theory. This involves the psychological separation of intellect and emotions and the independence of self form others. It is ability to think and reflect and not respond automatically to emotional pressure. Differentiated people have the ability to balance their feeling and thoughts, they are capable of strong emotion, yet posses self restraint. They are able to take a stand on issues and have the ability to think decide and act on what they believe. Undifferentiated people act emotionally they tend to be impetuous displaying submissiveness or defiance. They find it difficult to be autonomous and are unable to take clear position on issues. They tend to reflect the dominant emotional pattern in the family. Emotional triangles are formed when two people who are unable to resolve a problem draw a third person into the conflict. The third partys involvement may be short lived so forcing the two people to resolve their differences. If the third parties involvement becomes long term then a triangle becomes a part of the relationship. Triangulation ease the tension but freezes the conflict in place Nicholas (2008) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦p128 and eventually undermines the relationship. According to Nicholas 2008 most family problems are triangular. Nuclear Family Emotional processes are the emotional patterns in a family that continue over generations. A partner who lacks differentiation in his her family of origin may become emotionally cut off from hisher parents and this would lead to fusion in marriage. Fusion can produce different effects on the marriage including emotional distance between partners, marital conflicts, physical or emotional dysfunction in one partner or projection of the problem on one or more of the children Nicholas Shwartz, 2008à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ p 128. A parent lack of differentiation is transmitted to children in Family projection process. An undifferentiated mother may become attach to a child (or children) because she has decided that her spouse is inattentive to her. The mother would project her lack of differentiation to the child who is most attached. This child will achieve least differentiation and more vulnerable to problems. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the more the mother forces her attention n the child the more the childs functioning is impaired Nichols and Shwartz ,2008p129 Multigenerational Transmission Process describes the transmission of anxiety from one generation to another. This is the unconscious passing on of anxiety which overrides the adaptive thinking and behavior of succeeding generations. Sibling Position children develop personality characteristics based on their position in the family. Emotional Cut Off describes the way people manage anxiety between generations. the greater the emotional fusion between parents and children the greater likelihood of cut off Nicholas and Shwartz 2008à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦p130 Societal Emotional processes are social expectation and their effect on the family. According to Bowen, all families lie along a continuum and there are no types of family. He believes that optimal family development occurs when members are differentiated and maintain a healthy contact with each other. For Bowen, family problems are the result of emotional fusion. Typically the family member with the symptom is the one who is least differentiated. This member is unable to separate hisher thoughts from the families and absorbs the anxieties of the entire family. Structural family theory emphasizes the need for parents to maintain a clear hierarchical position of authority. The origins of the theory can be traced to early 1960s to Salvador Minuchin who formulated the theory and set guidelines for therapeutic techniques. The theory is built on three component structure, subsystems and boundaries. Structure refers to the organized pattern in which families interact. Nicholas Shwartz 2008à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦p185. It describes the patterns of authority, communicating and interacting. Patterns develop as family transactions are repeated. In time these patterns become embedded and define roles and functions of family members creating predictability of the family interactions. These repetitions create expectations that establish rules in the family. Although alternatives are available the family rarely considers them and even in situations where patterns are dysfunctional, they are maintained. Dysfunction patterns give rise to a dysfunctional family structure. According to Minuchin, it is this dysfunctional structure which is the source of family problems. According to structural family theory each family system has subsystems. These are sub groups within the family structure which exist to accomplish various family tasks. Subsystem may be determined along the lines of generation, gender, role and interests. For example there are spousal subsystem and child subsystems. Within the subsystem each family member plays a different role. When one subsystem intrudes into another causes structural difficulties and indicates that boundaries between subsystems are diffuse. Diffuse boundaries can result in enmeshment. On the other hand boundaries which are rigid result in disengagement. Clear boundaries blend characteristics which are both rigid and diffuse. When there are clear boundaries parents occupies a position of leadership in the family. There are some aspects of the theoretical constructs of both Bower Family Systems Theory and Minuchins Structural Family Theory that are constant with my own world view. Like Bowen, I believe that our familys history creates a template which shapes our values thoughts and experiences and many of these values thoughts and experiences are passed down through generations. However this template in my opinion is only one of the possible template which shape values thoughts and experiences as there are many factories other than ones family of origin which influence who we become. Many persons can see the family pattern and make a conscious decision to build a life with different patterns. In this way the pattern in the family of origin is a powerful determinant but rather than been a template of what should be these patterns is template of what to avoid. The concept of differentiation is cornerstone of Bowenian theory and I share Bowens view that lack of differentiation can be transmitted from generation to generation. Parental lack of differentiation may manifest itself in children who are either emotionally fused or rebellious leading to emotional cutoff from family of origin. Bowen however seems to emphasize the mothers role in the process of passing anxiety from one generation to another. In my opinion he has pathologized the maternal role. Our social norms have prepared mothers to assume a nurturing role and this is not pathological. Bowens belief that there is a chronic anxiety in all life that is both emotional and physical Gladding 2009 p.235 is very different from my over world view. Generally the prominence given to anxiety as a defining force in all life is very foreign to my personal belief and system. My worldview starts from the opposite end. I see all of life filled with hope and choices. A life governed by anxiety is a life that chooses anxiety. It is my belief that the structure, subsystems and boundaries are three essential components of families. Family structure sets out the pattern of authority and the lines of communication. I strongly believe that parents should be in charged in every family and the children should know this. Parents should present a united front to children and any disagreement they have between themselves should not be played out with the children. Thus is one way of ensuring that the parent and child subsystems remain separate. To ensure separation clear boundaries must be establish between the subsystems. I believe that most family dysfunctions are the result of structural problems. Where there is no structure children develop chronic uncertainty which affects their overall functioning. Some children are at one extreme of severely maladaptive behavior while others are at the other extreme of over compensating behavior to gain favor. Along this entire continuum is the common thread of low self esteem. Keeping the family subsystems separated by clear boundaries in necessary for a healthy functioning family. Parents and children share their lives but parents relationship is maintained separate without threat from the relationship with children. These clear boundaries establish a hierarchical structure in which parents occupy a position of leadership. I believe that in Jamaica family structure problems and single parent households is a kind of chicken and egg situation. As the single parent tries to compensate for the absent parent, child and parent subsystems are confused as boundaries become rigid, defused, enmeshed and even destroyed. Often in these households it is hard to tell who is in charge and this leads to a wide range of problems including hostility between children and parents incest and other types of abuse. Many of these children assume adult roles before they are ready which result in early (single) parenting to begin the cycle once more. It is difficult for me to relate my own family to Bowerian family theory. Bowens emphasis on anxiety in the family of origin has no currency with me personally. Anxiety was not a part of my childhood. My parents were highly differentiated individuals who were independent thinkers. I am unable to see any triangulation and multigenerational transmission of anxiety. Among my nine siblings I do not even see birth order as an important consideration instead I see us accept each other as individuals with different abilities, talent, strengths and weaknesses. My family of origin was definitely ordered along the lines on Minuchins Structural Family Theory. There was a firm structure in place with strong subsystems and clear boundaries. We were nurtured and cared as children and guided into adulthood. We were encouraged and taught to be ourselves and the sibling all get along. My oldest sibling is 72 and my youngest is 49. We all agree that if our parent had any favorites among their children we cannot tell. The Bowenian Theory in counseling and psychotherapy is applied to trace patterns of family problems with a view to identify emotional reactivity and triangulation. The genogram has been found to be a useful assessment tool to identify these two issues. The aim of the therapist is to de-triangulate individuals and help them to develop differentiation. Along the way parents become better equipped to manage their own anxieties and less likely to transmit these anxiety to their children. Structural Family Theory underlines a therapy that seeks to reorganize families. The underlying assumption is that the familys difficulties are as a result of the organizational structure. The structural therapist assesses the presenting problems in four steps Firstly involve the whole family in the problem, secondly help them see how the family exchanges continue and support and perpetuate the problem. The therapist then exposes the impact of the past on the problem and finally explores options which the family members can take to relate in more productive ways that will create shift in the family structure and help resolve the presenting complaint (Nicholas and Schuartz 2009 p.196). Bowen and Minuchin had very different views of the source of dysfunction in individuals but both agreed that the dominant force in our lives is located in our families. Therapies based on this theoretical framework is directed at changing the organization of the family. When this is done then the functioning of the individual will be altered. This is not a change on the present individual only , but the whole family changes. In this way the individual change has a greater likelihood of remaining a permanent one.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Ionic Bond :: essays research papers
When ionic solids dissolve, they divide to give their positive and negative ions that make up the solids. These ions become hydrates and have the same relative proportions when in solution and when solid. The more the solid dissolves, the more the ion’s concentration increases. This increase and build-up allows for the reverse reaction to occur. In this phase of the reaction the ions crystallise out in order for the reaction to have a greater chance of occurring. Eventually the rate of dissolving will equal the rate of crystallisation. This is the state of saturation. This can be recognised by a constant colour or constant mass.      The solubility product constant, Ksp is given in the following example:           Ksp for AgCl is                          Ksp = [Ag][Cl]           Ksp for PbI2 is                          Ksp = [Pb][I]2      This gives the relationship between the ions in the saturated solution and is the maximum concentration possible without creating precipitation. In this lab, solutions of lead nitrate and potassium iodide will be mixed at a number of dilutions. The reactions will then be observed to see at which point a precipitate no longer occurs. Ksp will then be stated as a range of values at room temperature, and the precipitate test tubes will be heated until the precipitate is dissolved so that Ksp may be observed and determined at different levels. In this experiment various solutions of lead nitrate and potassium iodide were mixed at a number of different dilutions. Through the observation of the amount – or lack of precipitate formed in each dilution, the mathematical relationship between the ions in a saturated dilution may be determined. This relationship is known as the solubility product constant, or Ksp, and is defined as follows, “The Ksp for an ionic solid is given by the product of the concentrations of the ions, each raised to the power of the coefficients in the dissolving reaction.'; (Heath Chemistry). The Ksp expression gives the maximum possible concentration of ions in a saturated solution without causing precipitation. Based on the equation for this experiment we can conclude that the ksp expression for this experiment is: Ksp = [Pb][I]2      The Ksp for lead iodide at 25oC is 8.5x10^-9. Through the substitution of the values for each test tube, the trial product, or KSPtrial was obtained. A precipitate then formed in those test tubes who’s KSPtrial was greater than the Ksp, whereas if the KSPtrial was calculated as being less than the Ksp, no precipitate formed. Ionic Bond :: essays research papers When ionic solids dissolve, they divide to give their positive and negative ions that make up the solids. These ions become hydrates and have the same relative proportions when in solution and when solid. The more the solid dissolves, the more the ion’s concentration increases. This increase and build-up allows for the reverse reaction to occur. In this phase of the reaction the ions crystallise out in order for the reaction to have a greater chance of occurring. Eventually the rate of dissolving will equal the rate of crystallisation. This is the state of saturation. This can be recognised by a constant colour or constant mass.      The solubility product constant, Ksp is given in the following example:           Ksp for AgCl is                          Ksp = [Ag][Cl]           Ksp for PbI2 is                          Ksp = [Pb][I]2      This gives the relationship between the ions in the saturated solution and is the maximum concentration possible without creating precipitation. In this lab, solutions of lead nitrate and potassium iodide will be mixed at a number of dilutions. The reactions will then be observed to see at which point a precipitate no longer occurs. Ksp will then be stated as a range of values at room temperature, and the precipitate test tubes will be heated until the precipitate is dissolved so that Ksp may be observed and determined at different levels. In this experiment various solutions of lead nitrate and potassium iodide were mixed at a number of different dilutions. Through the observation of the amount – or lack of precipitate formed in each dilution, the mathematical relationship between the ions in a saturated dilution may be determined. This relationship is known as the solubility product constant, or Ksp, and is defined as follows, “The Ksp for an ionic solid is given by the product of the concentrations of the ions, each raised to the power of the coefficients in the dissolving reaction.'; (Heath Chemistry). The Ksp expression gives the maximum possible concentration of ions in a saturated solution without causing precipitation. Based on the equation for this experiment we can conclude that the ksp expression for this experiment is: Ksp = [Pb][I]2      The Ksp for lead iodide at 25oC is 8.5x10^-9. Through the substitution of the values for each test tube, the trial product, or KSPtrial was obtained. A precipitate then formed in those test tubes who’s KSPtrial was greater than the Ksp, whereas if the KSPtrial was calculated as being less than the Ksp, no precipitate formed.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
How Happy could Gay Men be in a Homophobic Society such as Ours Essay
Homosexuality is no longer an undisclosed idea amongst us, and their existence in our society is no longer a question to be raised. As we know, they enter the same shops we visit every now and then; they ride the same buses and subways we catch; they walk the same streets we tread everyday; they breathe the same air we do, all for one apparent reason: they are no less human than any of us in this society could possibly be. Despite the common knowledge we all have about the existence of these people who suddenly came out from the box, it still raises different reactions from the crowd of the so called â€Å"normal people†â€â€as the society itself may refer to it. While others have learned to accept the given fact that there is a possibility of alteration to the socially set standard of normality, such as this one on the area of gender, there are still some who just couldn’t practice the act of coexistence with these so called â€Å"new breeds. There are still people who religiously believe that the defiance of the â€Å"norm†such as crossing from one gender to another is absolutely unacceptable. Given this reality, a lot of attempts have been made to somehow sway these people out of their enclosed bubbles. Even media, one of the most influential elements in our society, took a step further by recognizing the existence of gays and lesbians in their projects themed after differe nt slices of lifeâ€â€like the top notching series Will & Grace, and the award-winning movie Philadelphia. With people’s warm embrace with the idea in moving pictures, it seemed no far from the possibility that they could, one way or another, welcome the idea in reality with open arms; the only question remaining is: how wide open could these people extend their arms based on what their televisions feed them? According to Marisa Conolly on her article entitled Homosexuality on Television: The Heterosexualization of Will & Grace in Print Media, despite the television show Will & Grace’s attempt to promote the â€Å"normality†of the existence of gay men in the society, the show wasn’t able to fully liberate the misunderstood bunch. Intentionally or not, certain limitations have been set by the said show, leaving unnecessary provisions among viewers which they could refer to in terms of classifying homosexuality unacceptable and acceptable for the public’s eyes. Generally, Will, one of the main characters of the said show who happens to play a part of a supposed homosexual, was somehow portrayed in a heterosexual manner; his mere association with Grace, a straight female character, shades the scene to a different color. Their supposed friendship was brought into a different heterosexual border of relationship, wherein platonic is brought into a twisted romantic angleâ€â€somehow portraying him caught in between the certainty of homosexuality and the tendency to lean on heterosexuality. Unfortunately, their possible interest to sell is totally negating the promotion of the other, thus making it more complicated for the viewers whether to absorb him as a subtle gay who simply seeks recognition, or as a male, in the middle of an identity crisis, still clinging on the idealism of heterosexuality through tricky dramatization of his relationship with a straight woman. The same idea was raised in the film Philadelphia by Jonathan Demme. On the said movie, instead weighing through the inconsistency of the perceived representation of character, the viewers are simply being caught in the middle of a life and death situation. Instead of making their viewers understand the real score within the extent of reality that the film itself is providing, they are subconsciously redefining pity as a substitute for this understanding. They have misused the forthcoming of death to the gay persona’s advantage by playing on it as if saying: â€Å"Hey, I am dying now of AIDS, and I am gay. Now that I will be leaving this mortal place soon, will you please have the compassion of accepting me for who I really am? †Personally, I don’t think that this is the proper way of educating the people because it is basically misleading. Though the two groups are closely knitted by its constant reception of seclusion from the society, it is unfair to define being gay no different from having AIDS. Being gay is not a deadly viral disease like AIDS; it is simply a way of life that is, more often than not, being misunderstood. Upon watching the film, I was left caught at the vagueness of Denzel Washington’s character. I thought at first that he will be the one responsible to set free Tom Hanks’ character, but by the end of the film, my hopes were dropped on the floor. His supposed homophobia, which I first thought will be the vital element he has as one of the lead character, somehow got lost in the latter part of the story. The issue tackled dealt mainly on Hanks’ viral illness and how most people generally react to itâ€â€giving the homosexuality issue, which is more widespread in reality, a weak standpoint. The common ground between the two different portrayals of gay men stated above is its tendency to seek for conditions before actually opening the idea of acceptance. For television sitcom Will & Grace, they sought for a subtle way to conform with the â€Å"norms†by partially heterosexualizing the gay character, while for the movie Philadelphia, they played with emotions, most specifically guilt, by bringing into their attention that death is an uneventful future for the character. Basically, in their own particular ways, they are always looking for certain loop holes to pull off gayness acceptableâ€â€meaning gayness itself defines no reason to stand on its own. In this case, their uncritical viewers tend to get accustomed in looking for such passages before they actually accept certain circumstances, which unfortunately not every gay man has. In the end, publication of ideas and slices of life such as these only implies that as time passed by the society is still keeping its doors closed to the recognition of homosexuality’s existence. Again it only shows the greatest weakness that any society has: a fear of the â€Å"unordinary. †They are not exactly liberation but rather a form of deception in order to switch the attention of the critical public regarding their claim for ample recognition to homosexuals. None of these moving images placed a dot at the end of the statement â€Å"we accept homosexuality†; instead, they only made the issue more complex than ever by adding up the condition â€Å"if and only if†to the said declaration. If the shows themselves couldn’t accept the fact that gay men exist, how could their viewers do? I could give credit for the attempt pull out gays and lesbians from their malicious-satirical stereotype of simply being unpleasant, loud and mischievous, but still, that doesn’t make it enough for me. Compassion may be the best way to seek approval, but seeking proofs out of the ordinary and passing it off as the best solution is nothing but a substandard achievement. Homosexuality isn’t actually an issue seeking for a special treatment; that will be way too much for a goal now that it couldn’t even reach the approval of being lined up on the average level. All gays and lesbians need is the chance to be treated in a normal wayâ€â€no more and no less than how people accept heterosexualsâ€â€where in they are not shoved away as if they are infectious beasts. Since media started this crooked representation of homosexuality on screen in the first place, I believe that they will be the only one who could correct this. Next time they produce best selling stories about homosexuals on their reels, they should try taking away those â€Å"special cases†that tend to sensationalize their storiesâ€â€like exploring Will’s manly side as a gay man and Hanks’ incurable illness. If they want to represent gay men as part of the normal sector in our society, then they could probably represent them as simple as being another friendly neighbor from the block without a semi-romantic relationship with a straight female, but rather a nonchalant relationship with another man, or a successful lawyer who need not die at the end of the story just to gain recognition for his success as a lawyer; instead, he could just be another lawyer who saved the dayâ€â€roles as simple as that, just like most heterosexuals portray. In that way, it will seem to be more realistic and fair for these people who usually live under the shadow of our judgmental society.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Organizational Behavior Analysis
Military' and then answer the required questions based on that analysis. First the organizational behavior analysis must be understood so that It can serve as a planning tool for leadership and management. The organization behavior analysis basically shows how the people within the organization are working together within it. This can lay out whether the organization Is living up to its purpose, responsibility, expectations or mission. Since the U. S. Military is much more than a specific organization, this can be more than Just one's personal view and thus must e based on the ethics, rules and expectations of the leaders of the military.Type of Culture What type of culture is the U. S. Military made up of? The type of culture for and organization will fall into or even a possibility of a mixture of one of the different organizational culture types: 1. Pluralism- is when smaller groups within a larger society maintain their unique or specific cultural identities, and their values and practices are accepted by the wider culture of the organization, provided they are consistent with the laws and values of that organization (Pluralism, 2012). 2. Dualism – Is the system of two separate cultures, holding to their own beliefs and views with accord to the others.The Canadian society and constitution is considered dualism as it was settle by the French and the English and both are given equal Rights. 3. Salad Bowl – is a combination of many deferent cultures that are mixed together such as in a salad (e-notes, 2012). Even although these different cultures are thrown together they do not mix but stay separate within the culture of the whole organization. Based on the definitions of the different types of cultures, the culture within the U. S. Litany would have to be the â€Å"Salad Bowl†culture.Even although once you join the military and have the culture within as a soldier following the military set rules and ethics, you have many different cultu res. You have the different Latino groups within the military from the Puerco Ricans, the Mexicans, the Cubans and many more. Each stay within their own cultural groups off duty and even within these groups you have sub-groups of cultures such as the New York Puerco which consider themselves different from the northern Cubans within their own cultures. You have the â€Å"born and proud to be southern†culture, hard line religious ultras from Catholic to Muslim.There are the ones who consider themselves African American Blacks as well as Blacks who consider themselves African. All of these cultures are accepted within the military as long as no rights of other cultures are infringed or intimidated by your culture, and none of the activities based on your culture are illegal based on the laws of the military code of conduct. Communication One of the most important tools within the military is considered communication. This communication is both verbal and written but the emphas is is put on verbal for lily activities.All leaders are taught communication skills from the different Schools they must attend within their enlistment. But today due to the considered high stress of the military in combat situations and high rates of suicide and other personal incidents communication skills are pushed throughout the command (Analogy, 2011). The military prides itself on all types of communication. Awards, medals, citations, promotions many say are not what or how well you did it, but how well it was written about. But this communication is small in comparison to the daily verbal communication.From the start of any military career with the daily orders being shouted by the Drill Sergeant, to the open door policy of every unit commander, communication is expected and directed. This allows the leaders to know what soldiers are thinking, allows friends to let the leaders know when one of their own may have problems with any recourse, and as a whole as long as the line of communication is open information keeps from becoming a blocked problem. Authority The Authority in the military is simply based on position and rank. All enlisted are controlled by the higher enlisted soldiers.Soldiers of equal rank answer to that of the position, such as two sergeants may have the same rank, but the one with the position such as Squad Leader is the one in charge. One soldier may even outrank another on select mission such as A Master Sergeant (MUGS) may have to follow a Sergeant First Class (SEC) on a mission due to the SF being the Patrol Leader (PL) or Mission Commander (MAC). All enlisted fall under the officers and they are based again on rank and position as well. All military members then fall under the defense secretary and then the President of the United States (POTTS).It is always stated that no matter what the rank there is only 6 or less positions of command between the lowest enlisted soldier and the Commander In Chief, (POTTS). The rank in the mil itary is earned and awarded, there is no way to buy or start at higher ranks they must be earned with time, schooling and experience. Motivation As the military is an all-volunteer force since the end of the draft after the Vietnam War, the motivational requirements are not as hard as they were years ago. There are still times with specific individuals, but as a whole motivation is based on a few basic principles.First you do what you are ordered as it an order and punishable by the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCM) to not obey any â€Å"Lawful†order given by a superior officer or NCO. Lawful was stated as no unlawful orders must be obeyed or may be punished for ad's-obeying. As a fact, if an unlawful order is given and known to be unlawful, the person following it is as guilty as the one who orders it (LOC, Even with the laws being the number one motivation, other motivations are used such as time off. When a soldier does extra well on a Job many times a reward of a pa ss or liberty is given.Awards are given as motivation to distinguish those who do above the basic requirements. And of course promotion and pay, with rewards also come's promotions and with promotions come higher pay. This is this ultimate motivations and leads back to that of the UCM as well. For to not follow the rules, one can lose rank and pay, this is a big motivator within itself. Virtual Organization With the places the military is around the world, virtual elements are used constantly. POTTS, Commanders and other staff get to watch real mission being streamed in real world time, as that of the killing of BLOB.Meetings are held by units played at multiple locations hourly throughout the day. Many soldiers video chat to loved ones back home from some of the most perilous locations today through virtual means. Soldiers have watched their children born, graduate, play sports and all in real time through virtual means while deployed around the world. Years ago these actions from streaming, meetings and letters took days to weeks. But now from real times to only seconds of delay these actions are conducted by the U. S. Military and their personnel.Analysis Implementation Once leaders within the military understand the analysis and behavior of the Litany organization they can lay out plans. These plans are from the most basic to the most intrinsic mission plans. Housing soldiers is a common daily Job for leaders who receive new soldiers. As it is not a problem to understand to put men and women in separate quarters for basic reasons but how to bunk and room others can be a hassle. Even although they will do as told, how to make it better to keep moral? This will go first back to the different culture of individuals. Where are they from? Are they religious, and if so what religion?Are they a Gamer in today's society? These all gust be looked and when housing soldiers. Next, what motivates the individual, while stated, soldiers will follow orders how to get it done, and the quickest and best way must be looked at. If a person likes attention, then maybe a basic citation or formal acknowledgement in front of others at times may be their motivation. But others may not like the public view, maybe they want time off. Maybe they Just want personal acknowledgement in a monthly or quarterly review between them and you the boss only. Each person must be looked at based on the analysis conducted for this motivation.Will it be difficult to get the individuals to work together? With all the analysis, culturing, many times there are internal problems that make individuals not work together. This is where the communication portion of the organization comes in. Will the individuals tell you the leader why they can't? Will others tell on the two or three who may be causing the problem, but to fix the problem not to get into a he said she said argument breaking the group apart more? Only if communication was established and constantly ongoing can all of this and the above analysis be conducted to start. Organizational Behavior Analysis I will be talking about my current job as a Child Protective Investigator (CPI) also known as Child Protective Services (or CPS). This is the governmental agency that is tasked with investigating child abuse or neglect. The primary concern of a CPI is the safety of the child; they do this by assessing the risk involved. By weighing that risk the CPI has to make the decision rather to remove the children or child from the home or place services within the home that will allow them to function as a family in a more productive manner.Once the CPI has made the decision to remove the child or children, the next step in the process is find and create a plan that will eventually return the child to a more proficient and safer family environment. The CPI will assign the family to a caseworker who is tasked with developing a plan to administer to the parents that will educate them on better ways to care for the children and meet all their needs, and create and environment free from abuse or n eglect.CPI’s deal with a variety of families, with different backgrounds, values, religions, cultures and beliefs, which have a bearing on the way they parent; this means that CPS has be flexible and understanding when it comes to dealing with the problems they face within these family structures. The fact is that the American population is continually changing for many reasons such as; ethnically, culturally, racially, and linguistically based on the diverse populations that are a part of the US fabric.CPS organizations must create and implement a better and improving systemic change in order to understand and meet the needs of this diverse population of families. In this ever changing environment CPS must be even better prepared and become an even more effective communicator when it comes to helping and working with our families and providers. I have been working as a CPI for over 2 ? years and will share with you what I think this organization operates like and what makes it tick.I will evaluate the Organizational Behavior of Child Protective Services and explain the weakness or strengths I have faced since being a part of this organization. First what is Organizational Behavior? It is defined as the study and employment of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. Organizational behavior is not the evaluation of how the organization will behave, but rather the evaluation of the people or individuals behavior within the organizational setting. They study the behavior of the individuals as well as group settings.The study and purpose of organizational behavior is for the leaders to gain a better understanding of those things that may change, interrupt or influence individual and sectional dynamics within a company setting so that the organization can become a more effective and proficient business. A large part of organizational behavior is researching and evaluating as to provide leaders with the needed resources, info rmation and tools they will have to have in order to successfully train, select and retain personal in a manner that would benefit both the personal and the organization.Organizational culture is driven by â€Å"competition and a strong desire to deliver results and accomplish goals†. (Kinicki. and Kreitner 2009, pg. 43). I believe that based on the child Protective services (CPS) organizational culture the concept used is the ‘salad bowl’ because of the diversity within the organization. I say this because many of the CPI’s and workers are of different races, cultures, ages, sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity and physical ability. I believe that this diverse culture is very good for this organization it provides a very positive environment which translates into positive productivity.CPI’s use multiple types of strategies and steps to ensure good production and good service. Such as reading the families background if they had a prior case as many of them do and checking law enforcement reports to see what are the families issues, culture and background prior to going out on the case which will give the CPI a better insight on the type of family and the concerns they are facing. I believe the culture of CPS as an organization is evident by the values, norms, organizational beliefs, goals and many other primary factors. This also relates to all internal interactions and any informal and formal implementation.In CPS there is a strong mutual respect for each other and the CPI’s are supported, encouraged allowed to do what they think is needed to meet the family and organizational goals and to continue to develop and hone their skills in the field. Because CPI’s work primarily alone in the field, they are entrusted with decision-making and execution in the absence of their leaders. Many times the CPI will have to attack a problem and make a decision on the spot and may not be able to get into contact with the super visor therefore leaders must have the type of people they can trust and rely on to make the best decision without guidance.In CPS you can see that the organizations culture is evident in their goals, mission statement, integrity, standards, values, and ethics. The mission statement of CPS is to provide proficient, caring and productive services to the protection of children and their families; to seek the improvement and protection of abused children and to seek reunification for the families and provide family the education tools required for the child to remain in the home; and to meet and exceed the needs of the families using innovative and unique products, resources and services.To create and provide an equal, balanced and great place for the CPIs to work and excel. Because of the different cultures and people CPI’s face in this business there are multiple types of communication used and embraced by CPS. CPS uses a variety of both verbal and written communication as form s of disseminating information throughout CPS. The type of communication that is used is dependent upon the importance of information and how quickly it needs to be provided. Some of these communication devices are: emails, brochures, company websites, meetings, notice boards, letters, telephone, and texting.What the CPS tries to do is to ensure that the communication is always open and that it represents and displays the culture of CPS. Communication devices play a major role in CPS, because many of the families we come into contact with have disabilities which may require a different type of communication, such as sign language interpreters, virtual websites may have to be used because the interpreter may be in another state, like interpreters for people that speak different languages and so on.It is vital to be able to communicate the message you are trying to convey to these families in a manner they can relate to, because bad communication can be destructive to the fabric of th is family and there well-being. CPS believes that the key to the success of this organization is to ensure effective leadership and that the leaders have strong leadership, communication, management, and people skills, as well as be compassionate and caring when it comes to child protection.In CPS, the leadership hierarchical of authority flows from the upper management down to the CPI’s and their supervisors. But this process of leadership is of a democratic type leadership because CPI’s and workers have the chance to voice their concerns and participate in decisions making that will affect the organization. But if conflict arises the final decision is made by the supervisors and higher.The higher hierarchical do make the decision on policies and procedures but will usually have meeting and conferences asking the opinions and concerns about upcoming changes, if it is something that is coming down the pipeline that is more of a directive they will try to give the organ ization the time and information needed to prepare for this change in policy or procedures. Leadership tries to work with CPI’s and try and understand what their concerns are as they are the ones dealing with the everyday changes within the community and families on a day to day basis.It is not just important for the leaders to be in touch with their CPI’s, but to be able to relate to the issues and concerns they have about what they are seeing in the field. If a leader shows the compassion, understanding and empathy to what their CPI’s is going through, they will without a doubt gain their loyalty and trust. If CPI’s feel they cannot trust their supervisors they have an open door policy for CPI’s to come in and voice their concerns without reprisal. CPS has a code of conduct which applies to all members of the organization and is enforced if abused.These Codes of Conduct embodies all the ethical policies and procedures to be followed. This code of conduct makes CPIs and other workers of CPS feel they have a voice and make them feel empowered and not afraid to attack a situation or problem. CPS also has a Whistle blowers protection policies implemented within this organization. I think this policy creates trust within the organization and its leadership, and CPI’s feel that they are an asset to the company and are valued.When it comes to motivation how to motivate people varies from person to person; but it is vital to the success of a company that the leaders have the ability to motivate their CPIs and workers in order to be successful and more productive. The best way for leaders to do this is to know their people and what makes them tick. Because I may be motivated by time off and another person may be motivated by money. In CPS motivation is needed and imperative for CPI’s to go out day in and day out and be productive when facing such grim situations.For instance I remember a week where I was being overwhel med with cases, working late hours every day, and I ran into a case where a 6 year old girl was being molested by the step-father and the uncle and the mother was aware of it. This case really drained me and it took everything I had as a man and a person to get up the next day and go back out to do this job. I remember my supervisor called me into the office and said â€Å"I can see this week has been hard on you; take the day off and go home and be with your family, I got your cases for the day†.This meant a lot to me and it was the motivation I needed to get through another day when I returned, it was the time off I needed and my supervisor showed me he understood and cared for what I was going through. From that day on there was nothing he could ask me I would not do, he earned my respect and loyalty. This is part of the culture that is CPS, CPI’s are given their assignments and goals and what are expected of them and if needed, to work as groups. CPI’s are g iven continuous training to improve their knowledge and skills.CPS tries and implements incentives and rewards, promotions are available if you are productive and efficient in your job performance. CPI’s are given Pay raises, time off and other incentives as a form to motivate them. CPI privacy is safeguarded through the CPS compliance officer; this is an important factor to CPI’s as they deal with sensitive situations. CPI’s has the responsibility of making critical decisions when it comes to child protection. What this means is CPI’s has to have strong decision making skills, this is accomplished by them knowing and understanding their emotional quotient.CPS encourages the CPI’s to seek this both personally and professionally by using classes provided on the website, through seminars, sessions and provided guest speakers. When CPI’s and workers are aware and in control of their feelings and emotions it resonates throughout the organization and they are much more productive and confident. It is important that CPI’s have the ability to excess their interpersonal and intrapersonal emotions to help them to become a more well-rounded CPI within their jobs.They can do this by being more self-aware, self-regulated, self- motivated, having stronger social skills and being empathetic towards the cases and families that encounter. CPS provides CPI’s with emotional training workshops and training coaches to help them become more proficient and productive. For instance I remember when I first got this job, when I received the report on the family and looked at what some of the prior reports were I found myself forming opinions about the family before I ever met them or conducted the investigation into the allegations.My supervisor taught me that it is important to keep your personal feeling out of the process and find the truth and only deal with the truth. Because people change over time and allegations are just t hat allegations until they are proven otherwise. This is the best advice I got when it came to this job and the knowledge I needed to be a more productive investigator. CPS is not a virtual organization but does use virtual organizational elements to enhance the technical experience needed to keep up in this fast pace and growing organization.We are a very large organization and are spreaded out through several regions, not only are we as child protective investigators spread thin; we are in contact and have to use many other resources and organizations that help us provide services to our clients and families. These other entities and organizations include , medical personal, Psychologist and other mental personal and agencies, law enforcement, counselors, schools, lawyers and non-profit agencies to name a few. So when we have what we call a staffing which involves many of these different people and organizations, they are spread out all over the city and state.So this can be very difficult to get them all in one place based on each individual busy schedule. This is where the virtual elements came in as a manner in which to provide a tool that allows us to all be in different places and still be able to come together and address an issue. We are able to do this through virtual elements like; virtual meetings, classes, teleconferences, virtual speaker conferences, etc†¦ to be able to reach and communicate with other CPS personal and offices around the country and state.By using virtual elements it saves time, resources and money and we can effectively reach our goals and get out our message to a large audience with little complication. In conclusion, I think it is imperative that an organization should continuously evaluate their organizational behavior as a manner of determining how effective their process and business policies and procedures are doing. You must try and understand what are the strengths and weaknesses of your organizations performance an d what is needed to fix it so your organization can move forward in a positive and successful manner.CPS is an organization that cannot afford to fall behind or lack in any form of technical, environmental or any other change as it relates to the services they provide to families. CPS has a very important job and it requires us to be proficient, up to date and fully trained so we can ensure that nothing but the best service is being provided to children who are being abused and families that require assistance. I believe this is the kind of job that requires people that care, are empathetic, and have a burning need to help others because we cannot afford to drop the ball when it comes to children safety.
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